Michigan Teaching Certificate Renewal Updated Winter 2016 http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Facts_About_Teacher_Certification_In_Michigan_230612_7.pdf
It is YOUR Responsibility To: Know when your certificate expires check at https://mdoe.state.mi.us/MOECS/publiccredentialsearch.aspx Update/Log all PD in KALPA Keep Agendas for record keeping purposes (audits) Print your KALPA certificate/Annual reporting Form at the end of each year, get signatures and keep on file (audits) Complete evaluations for SCECH’s Enter PD hours online at MDE for certificate renewal (SCECH’s automatically transfer in one you complete evaluation)
When Do I Need to Renew? Check online at https://mdoe.state.mi.us/MOECS/PublicCredentialSearch.aspx You can renew anytime between January 1 and June 30 of the expiration year
How Do I Renew? When you create a MEIS account, you should print the confirmation page as it contains the MEIS ID number that you will need in order to register into MOECS the first time. If you didn't print the page, you can still get your account ID number in the "View/Update Profile" area in your MEIS account at www.michigan.gov/meis. The user name and password will be the same for MEIS and MOECS. Anytime you need to reset your password, it will be reset through MEIS. You may update your personal information in both systems. All communication regarding your certification and/or application(s) will be sent to you from MOECS using the email address you provide in the demographics portion of your MOECS account. If you choose to have a new password emailed to you, MEIS will use the email address associated with you in that account. MEIS also allows you to change your password immediately, without having to wait for an email. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-5683_14795---,00.html
How Do I Know if I can Use DPPD? http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/DPPD_QA_Eblast_Attachment_2014-8-5_465611_7.pdf
How Do I Log DPPD into MOECS http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/Logging_your_DPPD_into_MOECS_Eblast_A ttachment_2014-8-5_465612_7.pdf
Misc Info
How Do I Get My Certificate? You pay for it online, then YOU print it. Make an APPOINTMENT with Brenda Coffman to get it notarized, or have it notarized on your own.
Multiple Roles? www.michigan.gov/meis https://www.michigan.gov/moecs
KALPA – Do this at the end of each year From your Professional Development Plan screen, click on Print Certificate Select the courses that qualify as DPPD to add to your certificate *Starting in 2013/2014 you will see a indicating this course qualifies as DPPD
KALPA – Do this at the end of each year Then click on GO TO CERTIFICATE FORM Print form and get required signatures Keep this in your files, no need to send anywhere Use form and courses to enter at MDE
For teachers renewing their Professional/Occupational Certificate (as of 5/18/2012) renewal requires ONE of the following: *Completion of 6 semester hours in a planned course of study at any four year or community college listed in the Directory of Michigan Institutions of Higher Education *180 State Continuing Educations Clock Hours (SCECHs) *150 annual District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Section 380.1527. The form is available in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (www.michigan.gov/moecs) *Combination of the three Semester credits, SCECHs or DPPD must have been completed within the five-year period preceding the date of application and after the date of issuance of the previous certificate. SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour), and/or DPPD (30 clock hours of DPPD equates to 1 semester credit hour) since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate. *Credits completed at approved out-of-state four-year teacher preparation institutions are also acceptable.
For Teachers Moving to Professional Education Certification Michigan’s advanced teaching license/credential. Renewal is valid for up to 5 years. Requirements: *3 years of successful teaching experience* since the issuance, and within the validity and grade level, of the Provisional Certificate; *The appropriate reading credit as described in the “Additional Requirements” below; And ONE of the following: *Completion of 6 semester hours in a planned course of study**since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate at an approved educator preparation institution. *180 State Continuing Educations Clock Hours (SCECHs) appropriate to the grade level and content endorsement(s) of the certificate held since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate *150 annual District Provided Professional Development (DPPD) hours in accordance with Michigan School Code Section 380.1527. The for is available in the Michigan Online Educator Certification System (www.michigan.gov/moecs) Combination of the three
For Teachers Moving to Professional Education Certification Cont’d SCECHs (30 SCECHs equate to 1 semester credit hour), and/or DPPD (30 clock hours of DPPD equates to 1 semester credit hour) since the issuance of the Provisional Certificate. Additional Requirements In-State: Must also meet the basic reading requirement (6 semester hours of teaching reading or reading methods for elementary and 3 semester hours for secondary); AND Beginning July 1, 2009, all teachers advancing to the Professional Education Certificate must have completed 3 semester credits of reading diagnostics and remediation, which includes a field experience, in accordance with Michigan Revised School Code MCL 380.1531(4)***; the following link provides a list of approved Michigan courses that meet this requirement under the Specialty Programs heading at the bottom of the page: http://www.michigan.gove/teachercert
The following Michigan certificates: The School Guidance Counselor license The School Psychologist certificate (after September 1, 1992) The School Administrator certificate (Also for continued employment)* Are valid for up to five years and must be renewed by the completion of: Six semester hours of academic credit from an approved institution, or The completion of 180 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs/SBCEUs), or A combination of the two *For the School Administrator certificate: Credits earned toward renewing an administrator certificate may also be used for renewing a teacher certificate.
Oakland Schools SCECH contact: Lori Dean lori.dean@oakland.k12.mi.us
DPPD (see KALPA slide) NOT ALL PD logged in KALPA is DPPD eligible for renewal (see handout for 2009-2012 eligible PD dates) For guidelines on what PD qualifies, please visit http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7- 140-6530_5683_5703---,00.html and scroll don and click on Guidelines for Professional Development that Qualifies for Michigan Legislative Requirements This form must be completed by the individual requesting renewal credits for professional development provided by their school district. To receive credit for the district provided professional development (Sec. 380.1527) hours, the record for the certificate renewal must be signed by your principal or district designee and logged by clicking the “Add” button. The Professional Development Annual Reporting forms can be found at: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_5683_5703-60168--,00.html
Application Process & Account Set-Up You will need to have an MOECS/MEIS account.
Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) Application Process 1/16/2019
Login Name and Password 1/16/2019
Create a Michigan Education Information System (MEIS) Account 1/16/2019
Create MEIS Account Continued 1/16/2019
Create MEIS Account Continued 1/16/2019
Create MEIS Account Continued 1/16/2019
MEIS Account Completion 1/16/2019
Log Into MOECS 1/16/2019
Complete Self-Registration This is the first question after logging in if you have not yet registered. Teachers, Administrators (personal use), School Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists are educators. 1/16/2019
Self-Registration Continued 1/16/2019
Self-Registration Continued 1/16/2019
Self-Registration Continued 1/16/2019
Self-Registration Complete 1/16/2019
Home Page 1/16/2019
Manage Demographics Page 1/16/2019
Professional Learning Page 1/16/2019
Using your printed certificate from KALPA, enter DPPD Professional Dev. Categories include: • Adjusting instruction for students with special needs • Adjusting instruction for English Language Learners (ELL) • Adjusting instruction for young children with developmental delays • Assessment strategies • Blended/online instructions • Content specific to grade level • Cooperative learning • Cross-curriculum integration • Cultural Awareness • Curriculum revision and alignment across grades • Differentiated instruction • Engaging and motivating students • Incorporating technology into instruction • Pedagogy specific to content • Preparing to be a mentor • Preparing to teach advanced placement or Dual Enrollment courses • Reading in the content area • Response to intervention (RtI) • Responding to inappropriate student behavior • School improvement planning • Using data to adjust instruction To the best of your ability, match your Professional Development (PD) activity to the PD categories on the right. 1/16/2019
FORMS 1/16/2019
Apply for Certificate 1/16/2019
Verify Application 1/16/2019
More Certificates If you hold both the IOC/OEC AND the Provisional/Professional Certificates say yes to this question. Your certificates will then be issued/renewed at the same time for the same credit and one fee. 1/16/2019
Submit Application 1/16/2019
Confirmation Message 1/16/2019
Home Page-View Application 1/16/2019