Ms. White, Math Mrs. Swen, ELA Ms. Romain, Science/Social Studies Welcome to 3rd Grade! Ms. White, Math Mrs. Swen, ELA Ms. Romain, Science/Social Studies
Homework Given every night. Written on board at the beginning of each day and listed on each teacher’s website. Students were given homework planners the first day of school, please check nightly. ELA- most nights will be reading log and Reading Plus. Any additional assignments will be listed on website. Math - is assigned every night . IReady and workbook pages may be less frequent Every assignment is explained, and it is a review of what has been done in class.
Rules and Expectations Students must come to class prepared with all assignments and material. Come ready to learn. If a student doesn’t follow rules, a warning is given. If student continues to not follow rules, it will be noted on his/her behavior chart and may also be addressed via a phone call or ClassTag.
ELA Units of Study Curriculum modules are designed to address CCSS ELA outcomes during a 90 minute ELA block. The focus for all modules is on building students’ literacy skills as they develop knowledge about the world. Module 1: Becoming a Close Reader and Writing to Learn How Books Are Brought to Children around the World and Seeking the Power of Education and Reading Skills addressed in this Module: Asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of a text Retelling a story using key details from the text Identifying the main message or lesson of a story Make connections between texts and ideas Determining the main idea of an informational text Retell key details from an informational text Identifying and using text features in an informational text Writing and informative/explanatory text with a topic, supporting details, and a closing.
ELA Expectations Students should come to class every day with an independent reading book and at least 3 sharpened pencils. Reading Logs will be turned in every two weeks using Google Classroom, however they should be completed once daily after reading independently for twenty minutes. Students must complete at least 5 Reading Plus lessons per week. Homework grades will be given every week. Average scores will be used as quiz grades periodically.
Social Studies Units Our Communities 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World: All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global communities. Students will learn that people live and work in communities. They choose which community to live in based on location, school, natural resources, and job descriptions. There are many diverse cultures within communities. Students will distinguish between the three types of communities, recognize what each has to offer, and demonstrate how communities change over time. Students will learn basic map skills.
Science Units of Study Sun, Moon, and Stars 5-ESS1-1Support an argument that the apparent brightness of the sun and stars is due to their relative distances from Earth. 5-ESS1-2Represent data in graphical displays to reveal patterns of daily changes in length and direction of shadows, day and night, and the seasonal appearance of some stars in the night sky The Sun, Moon, and Stars Module consist of three sequential investigations, each designed to introduce students to objects we see in the sky. Through outdoor observations made during the day and at night, active simulations, readings, videos, and discussions, students study the Sun, Moon, and stars to learn that these objects move in regular and predictable patterns that can be observed, recorded, and analyzed.
Social Studies and Science Expectation Come to class prepared with a sharpened pencil, Social Studies notebook and workbook, and science journal when assigned. Complete all assigned reading and assignments and return to school. Re-read passages when needed to complete assignments. Students should complete assignments independently with minimal support from family members. Students should not search the internet for answers to homework assignments.
Eureka Math and What to Expect We will be covering Modules 1 and 2 in our Eureka Math Curriculum. Module 1 covers multiplication and division and has 21 lessons broken up into 6 Topics. At the end of each Lesson, students complete an Exit Ticket. At the end of each Topic, students will take a quiz. After Lesson 10, students will have their Mid-Module Assessment. At the end of lesson 21, they will have their End of Module Assessment. will assist with fluency. Module 2 covers place value skills and units of measurement. Also, in this module they will be introduce to metric mass, length, and capacity. Module 2 has 21 lessons broken up into 5 Topics. At the end of lesson 11, students will take the Mid-Module Assessment. At the end of lesson 21, students will take their End of Module Assessment.
Test/Quizzes A test/quiz is generally given on a weekly basis. For chapter test that need to be studied, you will be given advance notice. Homework, class work, and exit tickets may count as a quiz on any given day. Grades will be posted on Genesis, you can view through the parent portal. Test/quizzes will not be sent home. They remain in portfolios which can be viewed by you during PTC. If you have a question regarding a grade we can make you a copy.