Unit of Study: Making a Ten Global Concept Guide: 1 of 2 Ten Ones to Make a Ten Unit of Study: Making a Ten Global Concept Guide: 1 of 2
Content Development For this concept, students need to understand ten ones make a ten. Ten serves as the basis of our number system, therefore it is critical students have a strong understanding of ten. At the end of this unit, students will have a conservation of the number ten. When counting with a ten frame, students will automatically recognize a filled ten frame represents ten. Students need multiple opportunities with various maniupulatives to represent ten, such as ten frames, snap cubes, popsicle sticks, and two-color counters.
Day 1 With Adding to Make Ten, students will use ten frames and two-color counters to compose the number ten in various ways. Students will also determine if a given ten frame is more or less than ten. Click on the provided resource for lesson ideas Adding to Make Ten
Day 2 On day 2, students should have exposure to making ten without the assistance of a ten frame. For example, students can use other tools, such snap cubes and two-color counters. With snap cubes, students can use two different colors to create a ten train. For example, a student can use three yellow snap cubes and seven green snap cubes to create a ten train. See next slide for directions for Snap to Ten Investigation.
Day 2- Snap to Ten Investigation Provide pairs of students a bag of different amounts of snap cubes. For example, bags can have 9 snap cubes, 15 snap cubes, etc (bags of cubes should range from 1-20). Each group will have to determine if the given set of snap cubes can make a ten, more than a ten, or less than a ten. If the given set is less than a ten, the students will have to determine the missing amount to equal ten. If more than ten, students must create a train of ten and use the language, one ten and five ones. Students can record their responses in the Math Notebook. For example: More than 10 Equal to 10 Less than 10
Reteach/Intervention For reteach, students will need more experience with ten frames to recognize a group of ten and understand ten ones make a ten. Students need experiences with other manipulatives, such as popsicle sticks, straws, or snap cubes. Click on the video below for a sample remediation lesson with popsicle sticks. The student is asked to model numbers less than ten, but progresses to recognize a group of ten. Popsicle Stick Math Video Go Math Chapter 6 pg. 237G RTI Tier 3- Pictures of 10: This intervention lesson focuses on the conservation of ten. Animated Math Models (Skill 12) from Kindergarten Resources on Think Central provides students with a ten frame to create ten and recognize ten from sets.
Enrich For enrichment, students should have experiences with creating a group of ten within problem solving situations. Example- When ten-pin bowling, Larry knocked over eight pins. How many pins were left standing? (two pins are left standing) Example- Darla set up 10 cans on the fence and tossed snowballs at them. First she knocked over 3 cans, then she knocked over 4 more. How many cans were left on the fence? (3 cans)
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