Please use this PowerPoint with the children’s resource session plan Please use this PowerPoint with the children’s resource session plan. You can find all resources at:
I was 14 when I had to leave school – that’s when school finishes in my country. My mum and dad didn’t have enough money to get enough food to feed us, so I needed to find work so we would have enough money to eat. Someone told me they could get me a job. My family didn’t want me to go but there was no other choice… except going hungry. So I left home and went to work where the man told me.
It turned out to be a terrible trap It turned out to be a terrible trap. I had to work for 21 hours each day – can you imagine? It was so tiring and it was so hard. The man had promised me money but he didn’t even give me one penny, so I couldn’t help my family after all. I was far away from home. I was working with 11 other people and we were all locked into the factory. We had become slaves.
Then I felt ill and I needed to go to hospital, but the factory owner wouldn’t let me. I asked if I could at least go home. He said no at first but eventually I was too ill to work and he let me go. I had to borrow some money so that I could get the train home. It took me three days to get back. I was so pleased to be back with my family and to be looked after. But we still had the same problem – we didn’t have enough food.
But then things changed because of some Christians in our area But then things changed because of some Christians in our area. They helped us to set up a chicken farm. They taught us how to look after the cute fluffy chicks and raise them to be strong hens so we could take them to market.
This is much better way to get money to feed us than being in a factory. Now I can be with my family and we can get enough. Now I have a much better life.