Crossword/Word search Instructions You are creating a crossword or word search to help you (and your classmates) on Friday’s vocab quiz! What to include (Crossword) You need to include all 15 terms in your Government Terms Glossary The clues at the bottom should be the definition. The blank boxes should correspond with the correct term for that definition What to include (Word Search) Rather than having the list of terms at the bottom and looking for the same word like a regular word search, it will be set up a little different. At the bottom, it should have the definition rather than the term. The term will be hidden in the word search. You will have to know what each definition means in order to know what term to look for in the puzzle.
Requirements Use the graph paper provided to make your vocab puzzle. It should be neat and written in blue or black ink. Use one box per letter on the graph paper (don’t try to squeeze two letters in one box) Make one copy in order for a classmate to complete your puzzle. One of these puzzles will need to be turned in at the end of class.