Words of the Day Week 5 Semester 2
Words of the Day – Week 5 Monday, February 9, 2015 Coalition Connotation Part of Speech: noun Definition: partnership Sample Sentence: Four colleges formed a coalition to operate a shared Center of Higher Education. Other forms: coalitional (adj.) Part of Speech: noun Definition: a suggested meaning Sample Sentence: For many of us, the word sea has a connotation of salty air and vast openness. Other forms: connotative (adj.)
Words of the Day – Week 5 Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Diabolic Dilapidated Part of speech: adjective Definition: run-down Sample Sentence: The dilapidated house must have once been handsome. Some of its broken windows are stained glass, and the loose door hinges are fine metalwork. Other Forms: N/A Part of speech: adjective Definition: devilish Sample Sentence: The horror story featured open graves, walking corpses, and a diabolic villain who turned an entire town of people into zombies. Other Forms: diabolically (adv.), diabolicalness (n.)
Words of the Day – Week 5 Wednesday, February 11 , 2015 Integral Noxious Part of speech: adjective Definition: essential Sample Sentence: Voting is integral to democracy. Without free elections, a democratic system cannot continue to exist. Other forms: integrality (n.), integrally (adv.) Part of speech: adjective Definition: unhealthy Sample Sentences: The entire office building had to be evacuated when noxious fumes started coming out of the air vents and dozens of workers got sick. Other Forms: noxiously (adv.), noxiousness (n.)
Words of the Day – Week 5 Thursday, February 12, 2015 Scenario Yen Part of speech: noun Definition: outline of possible events Sample Sentence: “I’ve worked out an overall scenario for the movie,” the screenwriter said, “but I haven’t gone beyond the basic plot.” Other forms: N/A Part of speech: noun Definition: a longing Sample Sentence: Whenever I have a yen for something sweet, I try to eat fruit instead of cookies or candy. Other Forms: N/A