Learning to Move from Anger to Calm and Happy Drew’s Star Wars Story Learning to Move from Anger to Calm and Happy
Some things make me happy. Thinking about Star Wars can make me happy. Playing video games can also make me happy. Finishing my work makes me happy. Being with my friend, Harry, can make me happy, too!
My teachers and friends usually know when I am happy. Here are some ways that others know I am feeling happy: If they see me smiling. If they see me laughing. If I say something like, “I like that.” If I say, “I’m happy.”
Sometimes children feel angry. Here are some ways that children let others know they are angry: Frowning Saying, “That makes me angry.” Saying, “That upsets me.” I will try to let others know I am angry by frowning and using these phrases, too!
Children try to calm down after being angry. I have the power to help my mind to calm down when I am finished being angry. Thinking about Yoda can help me calm down my mind.
Anger I can try to think of Yoda’s light saber. The light saber can cut my anger into little pieces. The little pieces are so little that they disappear.
When all of my anger is gone, my mind is free to think of happy things like completing my work or my friend, Harry.
I will try to use the light saber to make my anger break up and disappear. That way, I can try to start thinking about happy things.