Independent Research Project October 9, 2016 Lexington High School
Independent research project Visit our website:
Independent research project Choose a topic Remember- Projects involving the following topics will need approval from the Safety Review Committee (SRC): Human Subjects Vertebrate Animals Animal Tissue, cell lines, blood Hazardous Biological Agents (bacteria, fungus) Hazardous Chemicals or Devices (UV, lasers, etc, high voltage battery)
Independent research project Find a sponsor teacher Teacher with expertise in the subject area of your research Teachers can limit the number of projects they can supervise-so ask early!
Independent research project Submit the required paper-work -Form 1, 1A, 1B for all projects -Any other forms for your project -Research Plan - follow the required format stated in form 1A After the approval from your sponsoring teacher, all forms will be uploaded online at-
Independent Research Project ******Important****** No Experimentation can begin prior to the approval by a sponsoring teacher