Meaningful use Financial Incentives for Eligible Professionals and Hospitals
EHR Incentive payments by program 2011 Medicare $18,000 Medicaid $21,250 2012 Medicare $12,000 Medicaid $8,500 2013 Medicare $8,000 2014 Medicare $4,000 2015 Medicare $2,000 2016 Sunset for Medicare program 2016 Sunset for Medicaid program 2021 EHR Incentive payments by program Totals for Medicare professionals: $44,000 Totals for Medicaid professionals: $63,750 Medicare & Medicaid hospital beginning payments: $2 million
Medicare incentive program Medicaid incentive program At least 30% Medicaid patient volume (20% if pediatric) Physician Dentist Nurse-Midwife Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Use of certified EHR Medicare incentive program Bill the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for patient services Dr. of medicine or osteopathy Dr. of oral surgery or dental medicine Dr. of podiatric medicine Dr. of optometry Chiropractor Use of certified EHR
Main Components of Meaningful Use Use of a certified EHR Exchange of health information Submit clinical quality and other measures Main Components of Meaningful Use Stage 1 (2011 and 2012) Electronic data capture Information sharing Stage 2 & 3 (2013 – 2015) Expand initial base line Future rules to be developed Meaningful Use Criteria Staging
25 meaningful use objectives First Stage 2011 and 2012 25 meaningful use objectives Eligible professionals To qualify for an incentive payment, 20 of these 25 must be met. 15 are required core objectives. The remaining 5 objectives may be chosen from the list of 10 menu set objectives. First Stage 2011 and 2012 24 meaningful use objectives Eligible hospitals To qualify for an incentive payment, 19 of these 24 must be met. 14 are required core objectives. The remaining 5 objectives may be chosen from the list of 10 menu set objectives.
44 clinical quality measures First Stage 2011 and 2012 44 clinical quality measures Eligible professionals To qualify for an incentive payment EPs must report on 6 total CQM 3 required core measures (substituting alternate core measures where necessary) and 3 additional measures (selected from a set of 38 clinical quality measures). First Stage 2011 and 2012 15 clinical quality measures Eligible hospitals Must report on all 15 of their clinical quality measures.
Numerator & denominator reporting 90 day reporting period Numerator & denominator reporting Attestation Some of the requirements also have exclusions that can be applied to certain eligible professionals and hospitals depending on their patient base. For instance some specialists would not report on immunization status. This is considered a legal contract stating that the individual or hospital has fulfilled all requirements to meet meaningful use. This process differs for Medicaid and Medicare incentive programs.