the SAVE DRAFT PLAN Button on the PERFORMANCE PLAN tab will save your Work if you are interrupted. This feature allows saving A draft without notifying The Reviewer the Plan is ready for their Concurrence. Also it does Not check reports to Information. If you get a Reports To error on SAVE, Use this button to save your Work. SAVE DRAFT
the SAVE DRAFT PLAN Button does not allow Printing the Draft Plan at This time. Clicking SAVE DRAFT PLAN checks the Created Plan Box and adds the Date. Clicking SAVE DRAFT grays out the Finalized Plan button and Does not allow for save of Final version. SAVE DRAFT
To SAVE final plan After clicking SAVE DRAFT PLAN Sign Out and sign back in Go to Manager Self Service > Tasks > Performance > Performance Plan > Existing Plan. Click the Finalized Plan box inside the Supervisors box at the bottom of the Performance Plan tab. Click SAVE
SAVE button is on both tabs. Click SAVE only once! SAVE notifies the Reviewer Via the plan is ready for concurrence. Clicking SAVE checks the FINALIZED PLAN button and The CREATED PLAN button If not previously checked. And Adds the date SAVE checks the accuracy Of reports to data. SAVE final version After SAVE DRAFT PLAN
SAVE also formats the AD-435 for printing. You must click the SAVE Button before attempting to print. Do not try to print the AD-435 form until after Clicking the SAVE button. It Will not be formatted correctly To PRINT: Click Create Printable Form Button to print the AD-435 SAVE final version after SAVE DRAFT PLAN