The Federal Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Compliance Workshop October 2008 Presented by:
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Rule Review the federal regulation Program history Basic rule definitions Who must comply SPCC Plan requirements Emergency Response & Notification Workshop and Goals
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Rule Workshop and Goals Enforcement/Penalties Common violations Tips on how to comply Compliance dates Reference material Highlight assistance available
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Rule The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates the Oil Pollution Prevention and Response Regulation (40 CFR 112) in Vermont New England Regional I Office - Boston, MA - regulate, inspect & enforce the rule NOT VT DEC But we can certainly provide outreach.
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Rule Oil Pollution Prevention and Response Regulation Outlines requirements for prevention, preparedness, and response to oil discharges Prevention requirements are called the “SPCC rule” Includes requirements for Facility Response Plans (FRPs)
What is the purpose of a SPCC Plan? The purpose of the SPCC rule is to prevent discharges of oil into U.S. waters.
It’s not Rocket Science
Program history 1970: Executive Order 11548 1972: Clean Water Act Develop / implement facility-specific Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans 11548 established the Oil Removal Plan requirement Section 311(j)(1)(c) Procedures, methods, equipment and other requirements to prevent discharge
Program history Multiple revisions have been made: 1991, 1993, 1997, 2002, 2006 Changes allow for more flexibility If your SPCC Plan is older than 6 years, it is probably not compliant 2002 Amendments
Definitions What is an “oil”? Any kind, in any form, including: heating oils, motor fuels, lubricating oils, cutting oils, quenching oils, hydraulic oils, transformer oils and cooking oils.
Oil Containing Products Petroleum Based Oils Non Oils Oil Containing Products Gasoline Animal-based Oil-based paints Diesel Fuel Vegetable Oil-based thinners Motor (used / new) Biofuels Oil-based inks Heating Seed Petroleum-based parts Jet / Aviation fuels Nut Roofing tar Hydraulic fluid Fruit & Kernel Some examples
Definitions "Navigable Waters" includes, but is not limited to: harbors, lakes, rivers, brooks, ponds, streams, and wetlands. Or any swale or ditch that could convey water. Otherwise proof is necessary
Who must write a plan? Non-transportation facilities Facilities that store oil aboveground in containers greater than 55-gallons with an aggregate volume greater than 1,320-gallons; or What is a “non-transportation related facility” ? Highway vehicles, railroad cars and pipeline systems used to transport oil are considered “non-transportation related” so long as they are used exclusively within the confines of the facility. If they are used in interstate or intrastate commerce, then they are defined to be “transportation related”. To paraphrase the EPA MOU, non-transportation related facilities “are industrial, commercial, agricultural or public facilities which use and store oil, but excluding any terminal facility, unit or process integrally associated with the handling or transferring of oil in bulk to or from a vessel”. However, the definition also includes loading racks, transfer hoses, loading arms and other equipment at a facility which are used to transfer oil to or from highway vehicles or railroad cars.
Who must write a plan? Facilities that store oil below ground - “not otherwise regulated” with a total aggregate volume of 42,000 gallons; and Facilities that could reasonably be expected to discharge oil to a "navigable water of US" or "adjoining shorelines". UST Permit? No worries.. Munis, Businesses, Farms, Residence…
The facility is subject to SPCC Is the facility considered non-transportation related? yes no Is the facility gathering, storing, using, processing, consuming, drilling, transferring, or distributing oil? no yes Could the facility be expected to discharge oil that may be harmful to U.S. waters? no Not subject to SPCC yes yes no Is the total above ground capacity of oil over 1,320 gals? __________________ Do not include containers that are permanently closed, less than 55-gals, motive power, or exclusively used for wastewater treatment. no Is the total underground capacity of oil over 42,000 gals? _________________ Do not include permitted USTs. yes The facility is subject to SPCC
Who can write a plan? The plan has to be certified by a registered Professional Engineer, with the exception: 10,000 gallons or less can self-certify if: No reportable* discharges within last 3 years * Reportable discharge = 1,000 gallons or 2 discharges exceeding 42 gallons within 12 months; and
Who can write a plan? Plan cannot include any impracticability determination or deviate from any requirement of the SPCC Plan rule.* *The impracticability determination provision may be used when a facility is incapable of installing secondary containment by any reasonable method and for operational equipment. - December 2006 Amendment not practicable : incapable of being performed or accomplished by the means employed or at command <an impracticable proposal>
Hyperlink to actual model plan
SPCC Plan Requirements Introduction Facility description Storage Tanks / Containers Spill History Spill Containment & Prevention Spill Prediction & Direction Stormwater Discharge Deliveries & Unloading Procedures Flood Hazard Inspections, Testing & Records Spill Control & Countermeasures Emergency Response & Notification Facility Security Personnel Training Plan Review & Amendment Procedures Plan Implementation Items
SPCC Plan Requirements Introduction Emergency contact/notification list Immediate spill response procedure Oil Policy Statement Applicable Regulations Rule Cross Reference – Table 1 Management approval form – Appendix A Federal, State, and any Local Requirements need to be listed here – Table 1
Table 1
Appendix A
SPCC Plan Requirements 2. Facility Description General Information Detailed facility description (operations) Include facility layout and drainage patterns Include all AST and UST areas and add a map of your location – Figures 1 & 2
Figure 1
SPCC Plan Requirements 3. Storage Tanks / Containers Describe all containers, include contents and volume, note where they are located. Add a map with their locations - Figure 2 Tank & container descriptions - Table 2
Figure 2
Table 2
SPCC Plan Requirements 4. Spill History Describe facility spill events in this section. Include your spill documentation form – Appendix B *note: Qualified facilities must review spill history but are no longer required to document spills under the threshold.
Appendix B
SPCC Plan Requirements 5. Spill Containment & Prevention Describe facility oil storage Types of containment provided Describe how oil is transferred Include containment calculations – Appendix C
Appendix C
SPCC Plan Requirements 6. Spill Prediction & Direction A summary of potential sources, types of failures, potential volumes, flow rate, direction of flow, and discharge prevention measures. Spill prediction & direction - Table 3
Table 3
SPCC Plan Requirements 7. Stormwater Discharges Describe how stormwater flows off the property and where it may infiltrate or enter waters of the state. Discuss your policy for cleaning out containment areas including oil/water separators. Containment drainage log - Appendix D
Appendix D – Dike Drainage Log
SPCC Plan Requirements 8. Deliveries & Unloading Procedures Commercial haulers / contractors responsibilities. Size of vehicles delivering We recommend the 2-man rule for deliveries Procedures found in Appendix E
Appendix E – Loading/Unloading
SPCC Plan Requirements 9. Flood Hazards Describe facility flood history and potential for flooding in the future. High risk or minimal?
SPCC Plan Requirements 10. Inspections, Testing, & Records Describe how you will provide visual inspections (daily, monthly, and annual) Must document the inspections Checklist provided in Appendix D
Appendix D – Monthly Inspection Checklist
SPCC Plan Requirements 10.2 Bulk AST Storage Tank Testing Describe how you will provide visual inspections (daily, monthly, and annual) Documentation is required Checklist provided in Appendix D Bulk AST testing schedule in Table 4
Appendix D – Monthly AST Checklist
Table 4
SPCC Plan Requirements 10.3 UST Tank Testing Describe how you will provide inspections (daily, monthly, and annual) Incorporate UST, ERP self-certification information here Documentation is required
SPCC Plan Requirements 10.4 Records These addition records should be maintained: all test & maintenance performed on tanks/structures holding oil all spills/leaks that occur, the corrective action taken, and plans for prevention Spill Records in Appendix D
Appendix D – Equipment Checklist
Appendix D – Spill Notification/Internal
SPCC Plan Requirements 11. Spill Control & Countermeasures Procedures taken by facility to mitigate or prevent any discharge or prevent any release from operational activities. Follow flow chart - Appendix F Spill Response Log - Appendix D
Appendix D – Spill Notification Form
SPCC Plan Requirements 12. Emergency Response & Notification With the facility protected to prevent / contain spills, it is unlikely oil would reach water. Still, emergency procedures are required. Emergency procedures flow chart - Appendix F
Appendix F – Flow Chart
SPCC Plan Requirements 12.2, 12.3 Emergency Response & Notification (Additional Reporting) Follow-up reporting is required for some releases. Federal, State, and local notification maybe required. Spill Response Notification Form - Appendix D
Appendix D – Spill Notification Form
SPCC Plan Requirements 13. Facility Security Describe the facility security. Gated areas, hours of operation, vehicle access, buildings locked, lighting, etc. Outline security for the prevention of internal sabotage and external vandalism
SPCC Plan Requirements 14. Personnel Training All personnel involved in the storage and handling of petroleum must receive formal hazardous waste training, and operations & awareness training. Training Log – Appendix D CEG Handbook - - online haz waste training.
Appendix D – Training Log
SPCC Plan Requirements 15. Plan Review & Amendments At least once every 5-years, the Emergency Coordinator will conduct a review and evaluation of the SPCC Plan. The Plan amendments must be incorporated within 6-months. Record of Amendments – Appendix G Management Review Form -Table 5
Appendix G
Table 5
SPCC Plan Requirements Plan Review & Amendments (continued) The plan has to be amended if there are any changes in design, construction, operation or maintenance which affects the facility's potential for a discharge.
SPCC Plan Requirements 16. Plan Implementation Items Describe the facility implementation items in this section – such as: Where you might install fencing How you will install a shut-off valve to prevent accidental discharges Where you will store your hazardous wastes/materials. Summarizes implementation items - Table 6
Table 6
SPCC Plan Requirements A copy of the plan must be maintained at a facility manned at least 8 hours/ day. For remote locations, a copy of the plan should be filed at the nearest field office.
SPCC Plan Requirements A copy does not have to be filed with EPA unless requested. The plan must be available during normal business hours for EPA or any State Environmental inspector.
SPCC Plan Requirements summary Facility layout and drainage patterns. List of all oil storage. Quantities of oil that could be released, with predicted path of flow and flow rate. Procedures for receiving oil from supplier, transfer of oil within the facility, end point uses of oil, and waste oil disposal.
SPCC Plan Requirements summary Inspection and integrity testing schedules of lines and tanks. Capacity and imperviousness of secondary containment devices. Cleanup procedures (use of in-house trained staff versus contractors). OSHA considerations.
Emergency Response and Notification Determine the spill source Stop the discharge Stop any further transfer operations Utilize available spill response equipment to clean up the spill safely Call in your clean-up contractor IN CASE THE WORST HAPPENS – These may occur from transportation accidents, events at facilities using or manufacturing oil, or as a result of natural or man-made disaster events. The concern is on the sudden, immediate threats.
Emergency Response and Notification Notify the VT DEC Spill Response Team Notify the local authorities Notify the National Response Center Notify the EPA Region I Coordinator Document the event
Emergency Response and Notification Immediately notify the National Response Center if release causes sheen on water. TO WATERS OF THE STATE
Emergency Response and Notification Report spills to VT DEC Spill Team if: 2-gallons or more of petroleum Any amount of other chemicals Whether it hits waters or ground
Emergency Response and Notification Within 60 days, report to EPA Region I Coordinator if more than 1,000 gals, or more than two-42 gal discharges occurred in a 12-month period.
EPA Penalties & Enforcement No Plan at all. Failure to include all elements of a complete plan as required. No containment.
EPA Penalties & Enforcement Plan not reviewed/updated every five years Plan does not include all oil on facility, i.e., transformers, hydraulic systems, emergency generators, drum storage, permitted USTs, etc. (6 years since 2002 rev)
EPA Penalties & Enforcement Plan does not accurately identify, from each oil location, the path spilled oil would take to reach a waterway. Drains not traced out. VT facility with an unpermitted floor drain discharging boiler blow-down and in the same area of the drain were drums of oil.
Common Violations Staff not conducting regular walk-through inspections. Dike valves are not closed or manual equipment is not used to allow for inspection before discharge. Security and lighting inadequate.
Common Violations Insufficiently impervious Dike drainage logs not kept Buried piping installed after 8/16/02 does not meet corrosion protection standards (wrapped and CP)
Common violations Dike sized adequately (largest tank plus precipitation – 110% design) Regular integrity testing of tanks not completed API recommends inspection at least every ten years, more frequently depending upon corrosion rate If tanks are inside, just size based on largest tank or container in containment basin.
Common Violations Plans not implemented Not certified Not approved by management Training not conducted Implementation items not completed Updates to facility not included Todays workshop counts as training.
Penalties Clean Water Act Sections 309 and 311: Authorizes EPA to Assess Penalties Criminal Penalties (Section 309(c)) Fines and imprisonment EPA uses to target most significant and egregious violations
Penalties Administrative Penalties Civil Penalties Class I up to $10,000 per violation; up to $25,000 total Class II $11,000 per violation per day; maximum of $157,500 Civil Penalties Up to $25,000 per day for each violation 3,000 – 157,500 Failure to have an SPCC plan can be up to $27,500 per day. If an administrative action is filed, the penalty can be up to $157,500. There is no limit if a federal judicial case is filed.
A Vermont Penalty Story 2007 - 5,000 gals of gasoline was released from a 25,000 gal double-compartment storage tank. Emergency responders observed that gasoline had flowed beyond the containment area and had contaminated soil and ground water on the property.
A Vermont Penalty Story The petroleum storage / distribution facility paid $21,250 in penalties and $14,000 for oil spill equipment and response training. Fine assessed: $21,250 + $14,000 (sep) $ 35,250 Remember – they HAD an SPCC Plan. Upon inspection of the facility that in addition to failing to fully implement an adequate SPCC plan, the company failed to construct sufficiently impervious secondary containment for its oil storage containers, loading rack, and other fuel transfer areas. 14,000 was put into a Supplemental Environmental Project …
Why Comply? It is a lot cheaper to prevent a release than to clean one up. It is a lot cheaper to come into compliance than to litigate, pay fines, and still pay to come into compliance. Lessons Learned
How to Comply Some ASTs may be located inside buildings, where the buildings’ structure serves as secondary containment Storage can be reduced and/or consolidated Small leaks are noted and promptly repaired
How to Comply Drums of petroleum are located on secondary containment pallets/basins Drums are not stored near doors to minimize the threat of a spill reaching outside ACTIVE CONTAINMENT OPTION!
How to Comply Transfers near storm and floor drains should be avoided or drains should be temporarily covered during re-fueling operations
How to Comply Regularly inspect ASTs and Drums for signs of leak/damage
Compliances Dates A Facility starting operation... Must... On or before August 16, 2002 Maintain its existing Plan. Amend/implement the Plan no later than July 1, 2009 After August 16, 2002 through July 1, 2009 Amend/implement the Plan no later than July 1, 2009 After July 1, 2009 Prepare/implement a Plan before beginning operations Business Industry or Residence
Compliances Dates A Farm starting operation… Must... On or before August 16, 2002 Maintain its existing Plan. Amend/implement the Plan when EPA promulgates a rule specific for farms and specifies a compliance date for farms. After August 16, 2002 Prepare/implement a Plan when EPA promulgates a rule specific for farms and specifies a compliance date for farms.
Reference Materials
EPA Guidance for Regional Inspectors
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Regulation The Environmental Assistance Office FREE On-sites Workshops Guides & Fact sheets VOLUNTARY Non-regulatory CONFIDENTIAL No fines No enforcement Closed records
Spill Prevention, Control, & Countermeasures Regulation The Environmental Assistance Office 800-974-9559 Permit Specialists regionally located (see brochure) Business Judy Mirro 802.241.3745 Municipal John Daly 802.241.3471 Pollution2 Paul Van Hollebeke 802.241.3629 Recognition Julia Butzler 802.241.3487 Mercury Karen Knaebel 802.241.3455
Definitions Non-transportation Facilities A facility that uses or stores oil, but does not transport petroleum as their primary purpose. This could include industrial, commercial, agricultural, or public facilities. Some examples include: oil storage, oil distributors, power generators, construction sites, marinas, sawmills, printers, airports, vehicle service, salvage yards, farms, solid waste districts, private residence, etc.
Definitions Oil-filled Operational Equipment Includes an oil storage container (or multiple containers and associated piping intrinsic to the operation of the equipment) in which the oil is present solely to support the function of the device. It is not considered a bulk storage container, and does not include oil-filled manufacturing equipment (flow-through process). K2 – in lieu of secondary containment…
Definitions Oil-filled Operational Equipment (continued) Examples: hydraulic systems, lubricating systems (e.g., for pumps, compressors, and other rotating equipment including pumpjack lubrication systems), gear boxes, machining coolant systems, heat transfer systems, transformers, circuit breakers, electrical switches, and other systems containing oil solely to enable the operation of the device.
Definitions Motive Power Containers Are exempt now from the SPCC regulations and their capacity does not count toward total facility oil storage capacity. Defined as “any onboard bulk storage container used primarily to power the movement of a motor vehicle, or ancillary onboard oil-filled operational equipment.” Trucks, cars, bulldozers, aircraft, self-propelled cranes and heavy vehicles, and locomotives are all motive power containers.
Definitions Motive Power Containers (continued) Importantly, oil transfer activity – such as that involving a mobile refueler or transfer of oil from an onsite tank to a motive power container – is not covered by the exemption and still would be subject to SPCC requirements (unless covered by the mobile refuelers exemption.
Definitions Mobile Refuelers and Mobile Storage Containers A mobile refueler is a bulk storage container that is onboard a vehicle or towed and that is designed to store and transport fuel for transfer into a motor vehicle, aircraft, ground service equipment, or other oil storage container. Examples include cargo tanks and trucks used to fuel aircraft or other vehicles. These containers are now exempt from the sized secondary containment requirements (i.e., dikes or catchment basins); general secondary containment provisions continue to apply.
Definitions Mobile Refuelers and Mobile Storage Containers (continued) EPA also clarified that other mobile or portable bulk storage containers that are being towed or moved, such as rail cars, would not be required to have sized secondary containment when they are being moved. However, once made stationary, unattended mode in a defined location, dikes or catchment basins would be needed. Would this include fuel containers in pick-ups for ex: Loggers?