Nuclear Disaster in Chernobyl Ukraine
Nuclear Power Plant is… a building that generates electricity use nuclear energy to heat water which produces steam/electricity
Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station in 1986 One of the nuclear reactors EXPLODED Poorly built nuclear plant Poor safety rules in place Poor training of workers at the nuclear power plant
Effects of Nuclear Disaster Poisoning land and water Poisoning the air and falling on Northern Europe Drinking water was unsafe for months
Effects of the Nuclear Disaster (cont.) People and animals contracted diseases and some died Turned the nearby forests brown and killed the trees Fish were not safe to eat
Photos of the Effects of the Chernobyl Disaster
After the disaster-Solutions 30 Mile Exclusion Zone because of the high radiation today Ukrainian government is NOW nuclear-free (since 2000) Reactor was buried in concrete (but the radioactive material is still not safe)
Frame-Write in complete sentences So What? What is this thinking map about? So Why? Why is it important to know about the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster? Frame- Where did I get this information for this thinking map?