Towards Virtual Academy – Teacher’s changing role Katri Koistinen FINLAND
Virtual Academy? Haggrén and Munk Sørensen, 2000: Academy, which works within an information network Consists of a common understanding among its members to provide their knowledge, expertise and research products to each other and for co-operative use may function internationally and at any distance
What do you mean by teaching in the net?
How do we use network for learning? The key issue is what we want to achieve by using the Net? ODL including face-to-face and other media Open and Distance Learning E.g. support material slides link lists information E.g. discussions exercises tutoring feedback group-work Activity of the learner is essential. Network is the working environment Network as a delivery tool for teaching 1 3 PRODUCT PROCESS E.g. hyper-text book self-study package Administration, eg. Information on courses and timetables Network provides totally new environment for collaborative learning producing knowledge in collaboration 2 4 Copyright: Irene Hein & Anna-Kaarina Kairamo HUT Teaching and Learning Development NETWORK Only network based learning
Where our course is currently located? Where we want it to be in the future? Available technical solutions? The pedagogical approaches?
Learning environments Typical functionalities managing documents communication (one-to-one or group) shared documents administrative tools The usability and openness vary Selection of the system? Pedagogical way of thinking behind?
Technical and pedagogical revolution at the same time?
Technical and pedagogical revolution at the same time? ”Using information and communication technology in higher education brings the current teaching practices into daylight” (Hein&Kairamo, 2000) Do we want to transfer our teaching as such into network?
Learning = active process What kind of learning processes teacher wants his/her students to experience?
Learning process vs. teaching process Goals determined by the teacher Resources: staff, time, money, materials etc. Teacher’s idea of good learning and teaching process Learning, teaching and administration processes of the course Activities of the student Merja Ranta-aho, 2000 Activities of the teacher: lecture, feedback etc. Material
Students in the network (optimistic version) motivated independent self-discipline self-acting etc = mature studying skills Virtual learning environment: freedom independent of time and place flexible mechanisms available to support the student’s studying process
Studying in the net A very positive and succesful experience OR lost in the virtual cyberspace?
Teacher’s role in network
Various skills needed Technical skills Network communication skills written vs. spoken feedback and interactivity Time management skills synchronous vs. asynchronous realism, steering mechanisms Information management skills
Pedagogic levels (Haggrén & Munk Sørensen, 2000) 4th level: Research!
Pedagogic levels Texts Tools lecture material available in the net freedom to concentrate on the specific subjects during the face-to-face lectures freedom for self-studying Tools from simple to complex exercising the theory and parts of the technology advantage if available in the internet
Pedagogic levels (continued) Projects the solving of practical professional problems applying theory and tools Recearch production of new knowledge and information at least its results should be connected to the ”texts”, ”tools” and ”projects” levels in early phase
Change in Teacher’s role In past: information delivering emphasized authority of the teacher In future: a coach or a personal trainer even a fellow student
CONCLUSIONS Pedagogical way of thinking!!! Updating pedagogigal skills at the same time as technical skills Every teacher should try studying in the network course