Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Unit 5 – Product Plans and Virtual Conditions
5.2 The Hub – Design Product Drawing This slide shows the application of geometric tolerancing to a machined hub. There are a lot of controls. Notice each feature has a geometric specification. General discussion should take place so the students are generally familiar with the part and the datums selection. The use of the wood models showing the hub and the sample mating part (round part with pilot pin and slot) helps explain the datum selection. The instructor should lead a discussion on how the geometric tolerancing should be applied on the hub. Should tolerancing be applied per function on how it fits in the assembly or should it be applied per how the part is manufactured? Remember, there could be a number of different ways to make the part, but it shouldn’t affect the datum selection. See the workbook for extensive discussion on this subject. 5.2
Three Documents Needed to Build a Quality Product 1. The Design Product Drawing Defines the functional requirements of the product. 2. The Manufacturing Process Plan Defines how to produce the product This slide illustrates the 3 important steps. Should tolerancing be applied per function or how it fits in the assembly or should it be applied per how the part is manufactured or inspected? See the GeoTol Pro for extensive discussion on this subject. 3. The Quality Dimensional Measurement Plan Defines how to verify the product 5.3
5.2 The Hub – Design Product Drawing Sample design product drawing. It defines the functional requirements of the product. 5.2
5.5 The Hub Manufacturing Processing Sample manufacturing process sheet/routing sheet. This is a part of the manufacturing process plan which defines how to produce the product 5.5
5.6 Reporting Methods: A: Attribute data (pass/fail) Sample dimensional measurement plan. It defines the inspection requirements for the design specifications. On some measurement plans, “inspection bubbles” are put next to the specifications to reference in the document. Also notice the reporting methods A,B,C which define what type and how much data is reported in the inspection report. Reporting Methods: A: Attribute data (pass/fail) B: A single reported value or zone (actual profile zone, actual position zone) C: Variable data for each sampled location or feature (plus/minus material for profile or x,y locations for position) 5.6
Three Documents Needed to Build a Quality Product 1. The Design Product Drawing Defines the functional requirements of the product. 2. The Manufacturing Process Plan Defines how to produce the product Review of the 3 plans 3. The Quality Dimensional Measurement Plan Defines how to verify the product 5.3