ClustalOmega alignment of FlaC protein sequences. ClustalOmega alignment of FlaC protein sequences. C. jejuni (Camje) FlaA (pink, a representative of non-TLR5-stimulatory flagellins), S. enterica (Salen) FliC (green, a paradigm for a TLR5-activating flagellin), and FlaC protein sequences of various Epsilonproteobacteria were aligned with ClustalOmega ( and visualized in GeneDoc ( The locations of the D0 and D1 domains are indicated above the sequences. Residues of FliC involved in TLR5 binding and activation are shaded in gray (primary interface A) and in black (primary interface B) (according to reference 12). Residues of FlaC identical to those in C. jejuni FlaA or S. enterica FliC are colored accordingly in pink or green, respectively. A consensus score is shown underneath the alignment. Only flagellin sequence domains D0 and D1 present in FlaC are depicted; since the D2 and D3 domains are largely absent from FlaC orthologues, these domains have been omitted from the alignment. Eugenia Faber et al. mSphere 2016; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00028-15