10/26: Discussion! Why are political cartoons valuable in expanding the understanding of a historical event? What should you look for when analyzing a political cartoon? List as many things as possible!
Intro to Political Cartoon Analysis
When analyzing a political cartoon, look for: Symbolism Characters, flags, items, What do they represent? How are they used? Where are they placed? Characters How are they represented? What could this tell us about the views of the time? What are they doing? Why? Color Red, White, Blue, Black & White Tone Somber? Serious? Sarcastic? Anti/pro? Does it provoke an emotion? Is it persuasive/informative? Message What is the caption? Meaning? How does it relate to the historical context of the time? Analysis vs. description Don’t just describe the picture, explain what it means! Analysis is key!
Political Cartoon Analysis in IB In IB history, you will be required to interpret a visual source for one of your EA’s. This visual source could include political cartoons, propaganda, charts, graphs, maps, etc. It will always ask a corresponding question that should be the focus of your answer! For example, what is the message of the political cartoon with regards to McKinley’s views on imperialism?
Let’s put your analytical skills to the test by practicing a political cartoon response! You have ten minutes!
“School Begins. Uncle Sam (to his new class in Civilization): Now, children, you've got to learn these lessons whether you want to or not! But just take a look at the class ahead of you, and remember that, in a little while, you will feel as glad to be here as they are!” – Puck Magazine; 1901
Peer Editing Activity As you read your peers’ response, use quotes around description/evidence and underline analysis. For example: “A character depicting China is waiting in the doorway looking in.” This represents China as a separate entity from the rest of US-conquered territories, but one that may still benefit from civilization class and learning Western ways. “This is why he is positioned in the “open door” because it depicts that once the door to Chinese trade is opened, they become more socially and politically Westernized. After you are finished – provide feedback. Explain one thing they did really well and one point that they could improve on (could be skill or content).
Excellent 4 pts Good 3 pts Fair 2 pts Poor 1 pts Main Theme Meaning and Subject The student has great knowledge and understanding of the meaning and subject or main theme of political cartoons. The student has knowledge and understanding of the meaning and subject or main theme of political cartoons. The student has some knowledge and understanding of the meaning and subject or main theme of political cartoons. The student has little knowledge and understanding of the meaning and subject or main theme of political cartoons. Symbolism Metaphor and Characters The student has great knowledge and understanding of the use of exaggeration, symbolism, and metaphor of political cartoons. The student has knowledge and understanding of the use of exaggeration, symbolism, and metaphor of political cartoons. The student has some knowledge and understanding of the use of exaggeration, symbolism, and metaphor of political cartoons. The student has little knowledge and understanding of the use of exaggeration, symbolism, and metaphor of political cartoons. Message Meaning portrayed The student has great knowledge and understanding of the message that is portrayed or the conclusion of political cartoons. The student has knowledge and understanding of the message that is portrayed or the conclusion of political cartoons. The student has some knowledge and understanding of the message that is portrayed or the conclusion of political cartoons. The student has little knowledge and understanding of the message that is portrayed or the conclusion of political cartoons. Knowledge Understanding of Content The student presents the material in a clear and concise manner and displays great knowledge and understanding of the topic being presented The student presents the material in a clear and concise manner and displays knowledge and understanding of the topic that is being presented. The student presents the material in a somewhat clear and concise manner and displays some knowledge and understanding of the topic that is being presented. The student does not present the material in a clear and concise manner and displays little knowledge and understanding of the topic that is being presented.
Ignore this slide! Term cards are due on Thursday! You will have ½ of Wednesday’s class to work on them. All late/missing work from the unit is also due Thursday! Unit 1 Exam: Multiple Choice True/False Source Analysis Matching Short Answer (there will be a length requirement!)