Shake your bucket for RAG Explain who you are What your role is in your SU Why you started doing student fundraising One of you explain that your roles on the NaSFA committee are voluntary, elected positions, elected at RAG Conference every summer. Ask them to introduce themselves – name, role, and why they came along to your session Write their reasons up on flipchart/whiteboard Jack Amos, Sophie McKay & Edward Sainsbury National Student Fundraising Association
Today’s session Good practice in student fundraising Supporting your student fundraisers The local, national and international benefits of student fundraising
NaSFA ‘The National Student Fundraising Association’ Elect committee at NaSFA AGM, held at RAG Conference every summer NaSFA represents student fundraising groups in Further Education and Higher Education Represent all student fundraising groups (not just ‘RAGs’) May want to add a bit of explanation about: History your purpose who you represent
NaSFA & NUS NUS provide staff support Advice, expertise, and secretariat for meetings Bring NaSFA to attention of external stakeholders Link NaSFA to SUs Explain – Ed maybe best to do this?
RAG Conference Leeds 24th – 27th August
An overview of student fundraising Exists in different forms, often depending on the policies and level of support from the individual students union Some examples of different fundraising groups: MMU Donates Carnival RAG Leeds RAG Loughborough RAG
Carnival RAG Formed in the 1900s
Middlesex RAG was formed in 2011/12
Herts RAG Herts RAG was formed in 2000
Let’s talk about student fundraising Activity Move into groups based on the status of your student fundraising set up at the moment: No student fundraising/just starting Small/medium/needs work Large and well-established
Why student fundraising is great Society Benefits Students gain a wider range of skills Student fundraising is often a lifeline for charities (especially local ones) Safely say over £2m raised annually by students (plans to develop a national total) Good for SUs – community engagement, volunteering, etc
The future of student fundraising What will student fundraising look like in 2020? How will it be organised? What will need to change to make this happen? What improvements will have been made? Is it just about the money?
Any questions? @NationalSFA Thank you! Any questions? @NationalSFA