Matthew McCullagh Quality Manager. Matthew McCullagh Quality Manager.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew McCullagh Quality Manager

Matthew McCullagh Quality Manager (and the most popular left-handed person in Shanghai)

Quality Assurance Update

External Verification Messages Overall, the picture across China is improving Fewer non-compliances in QV and SV Where non-compliances are identified, centres are generally taking the right action to rectify the issues first time However, there are still some key messages for centres to understand and consider……..

Qualification Verification Messages Validity and reliability of assessment are still causing non-compliances at external verification Lack of effective internal verification is also an issue There are lots of SQA resources available! - SQA Guide to Assessment - SQA Academy Course - Guidance on HND Graded Units - SQA Guidance on Internal Verification - SQA IV Toolkit - And of course….. this conference!!!!!!

Security of Assessment Instruments There is continuing evidence of staff giving candidates over-direction and access to assessments and marking schemes. This is malpractice and is likely to be identified during external verification.

Security of Assessment Instruments Where it is identified, the centre will not be allowed to use the same assessment in the future. SQA will require them to produce a new assessment and have it prior verified. Security of assessments is an essential part of qualification approval. Qualification Approval may be removed in extreme cases.

Systems Verification Messages Some centres are copying and pasting SQA guidance on centre/staff malpractice. Some centres are confused about escalation of assessment related candidate complaints. Some centres do not have documented processes for data management.

Sending Evidence to SQA Submit when ready – don’t wait till agreed action date Don’t submit the same evidence over and over again Match evidence to non compliant criteria Don’t ignore agreed action dates Please send one file containing all evidence where possible If sending more than 1 email for evidence, link them in the subject header Clearly identify which QV event evidence submitted relates to.

Process for Validation of Student Entries Student undertakes English language qualification Centre Centre validates student achievement, to required result, prior to entry for HND By 31 October 2016 all entries, for validated students, should be sent to SQA . After this date late entry fees will apply SQA By 2 November 2016 SQA will issue spreadsheet to each centre, listing their students entered for the HND, on SQA's system, with completion date of 2018 By 14 November 2016 centres will update and return to SQA the spreadsheet with the required information, against each student, By 30 November 2016 SQA will validate each student's scores with the appropriate English language institution Any student SQA is not able to validate, for what ever reason, will have the HND entries withdrawn