Welcome to Options Evening 2017.
Students who make the best choices are Truthful and Authentic. They know themselves well. They know which subjects inspire them and which don’t. They know if they are on a university pathway or a vocational pathway. They have a good understanding of their current performance in potential options subjects.
Students who make the best choices are Curious and Discerning. They research into their choices as they realise they are already on a career path. They don’t do the subject just because some of their friends are doing it or they like the teacher.
Students who make the best choices are patient and confident Patient in the sense of they know where study of the subject will take them in terms of their career. They are not choosing a subject for some short term gain. Confident as they recognise their choices may well mean they end up in new classes with students they have not studied with before.
What if you genuinely don’t know what to choose? This is where our school is unique – you have an open choice of options. My advice if you don’t know is to blend academic and practical e.g. a language with art, history with triple science. This means you are not narrowing your choices at a later stage e.g. A’Levels.
Some advice for parents Some advice for parents. Be involved, help your child make an informed choice. We know this is not just about the next two years.
Option choices include… Applied Business Child development Computer Science Creative iMedia Design & Technology Fine Art Food & Nutrition French Geography German Graphics History Hospitality Photography Music Sociology Sport Science Textiles Triple Science ASDAN
Total exam length 24 hours Exams worth 60% of final grade In 2020 In light of this change even more important to get option choices right
Future for A’Levels AS entries continue to fall nationally. 6th forms continue to offer fewer AS levels. Majority of 6th forms offer 3 A’Levels + enrichment. There are exceptions to this so always check with the institution. Enrichment tends to be the EPQ – extended project qualification worth half an A level. Lots of students opted for four and then dropped an A level depending on AS outcomes – no wriggle room now- makes option choice even more important – unis will look back at GCSE as there will not be AS
Only Maths, Science and MFL exams will have tiers.
Examined Core Subjects Time per week RE 2⅟2 hours Maths 4 hours English Literature and English Literature Combined Science 5 hours Total 15⅟2 hours Non Examined Core Subjects Time per week PE 1 hour Pastoral Total 2 hours Option Subjects Time per week Option 1 2⅟2 hours Option 2 Option 3 Total 7⅟2 hours
The English Baccalaureate It is not a qualification – it is a school performance measure consisting of English, Maths, Science, Geography or History and a Language. Universities will normally expect students to have achieved good grades in a range of subjects at GCSE or equivalent, and to meet any specific requirements for their chosen course e.g. if you want to do an English degree most universities require you to have a GCSE pass in a Language subject.
If you are considering a career in medicine. Check individual University entrance requirements.
There are other alternatives to A’Levels. Many 6th form providers offer BTECs or other vocational qualifications such as National Extended Certificates and Diplomas. These are equivalent to one or more A’Levels. Apprenticeships – see our careers advisor. A Level 3 apprenticeship is equivalent to two A’Levels. There is a government apprenticeship website.
Representatives from Worcester 6th Form College and Heart of Worcestershire college are here tonight. Our own Careers Advisor is also present and can be found in Room 5.
This year we will be introducing a new online option selection system. A link will be on the college website. In discussions about this currently so will revert to paper system if there are problems Choose three option subjects plus two reserves.
Please be aware We will be rigorous in checking a student’s option choices. If in our professional opinion we consider that a choice of subject is not in a student’s best interests we reserve the right not to accept a student onto a course. We will of course discuss this with parents.