The AD 70 Fraud Hinges on the Destruction of Jerusalem Christ’s 2nd Coming Resurrection of the dead Destruction of Hades Judgment Beginning of Heaven & Hell
The AD 70 Fraud Hinges on the Destruction of Jerusalem All prophecy fulfilled Kingdom came with power End of Old Covenant The “World” ended
The AD 70 Fraud Having a real impact on Christians & churches Weatherford, TX Conroe, TX N. Mississippi Bowling Green
Heaven On Never-Ending Earth The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 Coming of the Lord Heaven On Never-Ending Earth
The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 Claim Matthew 24 & 25 refer only to the destruction of Jerusalem Days of Noah: 70 AD Wise & Foolish Virgins: 70 AD Talents of Money: 70 AD Sheep & Goats: 70 AD
The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 Discussion began with Jesus’ statement in verse 2 Disciples shocked Thought of end of the world Asked questions, Mt. 24:3 Jesus explained, Mt. 24:4-25:46
The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 Signs with the destruction of Jerusalem Wars, famines, earthquakes, Mt. 24:4-8 Persecution, Mt. 24:9-14 Abomination of desolation, Mt. 24:15 Different for pregnant & nursing, 24:19 Different for Sabbath or winter, 24:20 See all these things, Mt. 24:32, 33
The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 No signs with 2nd coming – end of the world That day & hour no one knows, Mt. 24:36 No sign – like Noah, Mt. 24:37-39 Some taken, others left, Mt. 24:40-42; 1 Thes. 4:13-17 Like a thief, Mt. 24:43, 44; 1 Thes. 5:1-3 Do not know when, Mt. 25:13
The AD 70 Fraud Matthew 24 & 25 Destruction of Jerusalem VS. 2nd Coming Local VS. worldwide, Mt. 24:16; 25:32 Flee VS. no escape, Mt. 24:16; 24:43, 44 Time after VS. none, Mt. 24:21; 25:46
The AD 70 Fraud Coming of the Lord Wrongly Interpreted to always mean 70 AD Came to seek & save, Lk. 19:10 Came to establish kingdom, Mt. 16:28 Comes with gospel, Eph. 2:17 Comes in discipline, Rev. 2:5 To come in final judgment, 1 Thes. 5:2; Mt. 25:31, 32
The AD 70 Fraud Coming of the Lord Day of the Lord applies to different things Depends on the context Babylon, Isa. 13:1-11 Israel of OT, Amos 5:1-18 Various OT nations, Obad. 15 Pentecost, Joel 2:32; Acts 2:16-21 Final Judgment, 1 Thes. 5:2
The AD 70 Fraud Coming of the Lord If the Lord has come, then… Who saw Him, Acts 1:9-11 Who heard Him, 1 Thes. 4:15, 16 Who confessed, Rom. 14:10-12 Why do they partake of the Lord’s Supper, 1 Cor. 11:23-26
The AD 70 Fraud Coming of the Lord There is NO crown for us If the Lord has come, then… There is NO crown for us On “That Day” because it is past 2 Tim. 4:6-8
The AD 70 Fraud Heaven On Never-Ending Earth Claim: God has fellowship with man on earth, Rev. 21:1-3 Why is there still sorrow, Rev. 21:4 Why is there still death, Rev. 20:11-15 Has Satan ceased his work, Rev. 20:7-10
The AD 70 Fraud Heaven On Never-Ending Earth Two problems with an eternal earth What will the population be in 1,000,000 years? Christ will never be victorious over His enemies, 1 Cor. 15:26