CHORIORETINOPATHY AND ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME María Caridad Martínez Hergueta Belén Sánchez Cañal Jose Juan Mondejar García Hospital General Universitario de Alicante
Clinic case 73 year-old male, with blurry vision Medical history: Hypertension, nephropathy, antiphospholipid syndrome Cataract surgery both eyes , sulcus IOL right eye Ocular exam Visual acuity OD 0.3 / OI 0.6 FO OD: áreas hipopgmentadas yuxtafoveolares FO OI: edema polo posterior y nódulos cremosos blancoamarillentos
ANA +, antiSm +, antiRNP +, antiRo + AGF ANA +, antiSm +, antiRNP +, antiRo + AGF AO: hiperfluorescencia con puntos de escape Improvement with mycophenolate therapy
Discussion This kind of choroidopathy is very uncommon It is caused by choroidal vascular alterations with decreased blood flow because of immunecomplexes or antibodies It is produced neurosensory retinal detachment Marcador de actividad de la enfermedad. Treatment consists in the disease control with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs