Portsmouth School Improvement Priorities Portsmouth Teaching School Alliance
Main priorities Closing gaps for disadvantaged pupils SEND in mainstream Improving outcomes for most able pupils Leadership Phonics Attendance
Support Available SEND in mainstream PSENSP SLEs SEN in mainstream project – 18 schools Autism Awareness courses Maths SEN training (Solent Maths Hub) SENCO support and share Introduction to emotional well-being Support through Challenge Partners (specific session on SEND) Challenge the Gap programme Maths hub SEN support
Closing gaps for disadvantaged pupils SLEs Pupil Premium reviews Closing the Gap programme – 18 schools TA programme (MITA)
Improving progress of most able pupils SLEs Greater depth CPD for primary Most able network (NACE) School Audits
Developing leadership NPQ suite from IOE Ambition School Leadership programme Leadership Conference Leadership workshops eg 28 Feb with Ambition School Leadership and Maria Dawes SLE, LLE and NLE support
Next steps Ensure that your SDP reflects these where they are an issue in your school Share good practice – further SLE interviews Feb 2018, heads offering to support other Heads Use central support – join in bids, CPD, use SLEs Ensure your governors know the priorities