Common Core Standards: Monday, November 5th, 2018 Common Core Standards: W.9-10.1, W.9-10.5, SL.9-10.4 Aim: How can we prepare to present our argumentative writing in a speech format? Do Now: Answer one of the following questions: 1.) What do you need to do to prepare for your argumentative speech presentation? 2.) How can you compare and contrast your original argumentative writing with your rewrite/final draft?
Common Core Standards: W.9-10.1, W.9-10.5, SL.9-10.4 Monday, November 5th, 2018 Aim: How can we prepare to present our argumentative writing in a speech format? Agenda Do Now: Turn and talk with your tablemates. Share with your captain. Captain will share with the class. Mini-Lesson: Review the Writing Checklist Rubric and the Speech Delivery Rubric. Both rubrics will be used to grade your argumentative writing. Work Period and Reflections: With a partner, practice presenting your entire argumentative speech. Practice eye contact, vocal rate, pauses, volume, posture, gestures and composure. What did your partner do well? What does your partner need to work on for this week’s presentations?
Word of the Week 10 Keyword: TBD Information: TBD Memory Clues: Date: 11.5.18 Word of the Week 10 Keyword: TBD Information: TBD Memory Clues: