The Perfect Paragraph
How long? 7+ sentences Topic sentence 5+ support sentences Concluding sentence
Sample Perfect Paragraph Look at the sample paragraph. Are there 7+ sentences?
What’s a topic sentence? Sets the topic for the reader Focus Answers the question: What are you writing about? Purpose Keep the purpose (persuade, inform, define, etc.) in mind
Sample Perfect Paragraph On the sample paragraph, underline the topic sentence with red. Does it meet the F and P requirements?
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
5+ supporting sentences?! Organization Stick with one organizational pattern Development Make sure you truly support your position with SPECIFIC examples from the text
Using quotations Use 1 quotation per paragraph Your quotation must be introduced with a lead-in (tells who said it and what the context was) Cite your quotations like this: “This is my quote” (52). No punctuation at the end of the quotation (unless an ! or ?) Page number in ( ). Do not put p. or page in front of it! Period after the ( ). Every quotation must be explained to show what it proves about the topic sentence.
Sample Perfect Paragraph On the sample paragraph underline the support sentences in blue. Do they meet the O and D requirements? Does the paragraph use a quotation?
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
Finally, we wrap it up! Restates the topic sentence Don’t just cut and paste the topic sentence Summarizes the main points
Sample Perfect Paragraph On the sample paragraph, underline the concluding sentence with green. Does it meet the requirements of a concluding sentence?
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
Sample Characterization Paragraph “May the force be with you” Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy, is an extremely determined person. First of all, when Luke is confronted with undertaking the task of becoming a Jedi, he perseveres. Although he has just discovered that his aunt and uncle are dead on the planet Tatooine, Luke proceeds with his training. Furthermore, Luke continues his training even after his teacher and friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is killed by the evil Darth Vader. After this happens, Luke feels very much alone because he believes that he is the only Jedi left in the universe; however, Luke continues on his mission in spite of this feeling. As the trilogy continues, Luke is faced with numerous obstacles that test his will to go on. In the final episode, Luke must kill Darth Vader. Although he discovers that Darth Vader is his father, Luke knows that he must return to the Death Star to engage Darth Vader in a light saber battle that will finally declare a winner in the battle of good and evil. Without Luke’s determination, the universe would have succumbed to the wrath of the dark side.
Overall Remember that, overall, the paragraph as a whole needs to meet the F-POD requirements.
Your Turn Now that you have the requirements of a perfect characterization paragraph, you will be writing your own perfect paragraph that characterizes Madame Loisel from “The Necklace.” Please keep F-POD in mind as you write.