2016-17 Test Coordinator Training Required for DTCs & STCs
Required Training Format Organized into short modules Designed to be delivered to district and school staff Focus on resource orientation Built in Q&A discussion opportunities
Test Coordinator Training Topics Roles & Responsibilities Training Scheduling Student testing options Student Participation Resources Test Administration Manual
District Test Coordinator (DTC)’s Role Roles & Responsibilities District Test Coordinator (DTC)’s Role Test administration and security training Coordinate access to OAKS System and testing data Coordinate testing logistics Coordinate student testing options Investigate and report any test improprieties to ODE TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles
School Test Coordinator (STC)’s Role Roles & Responsibilities School Test Coordinator (STC)’s Role Ensure all TAs are trained Ensure that all students participate in required assessments Coordinate testing logistics and school- imposed test schedules for your school Coordinate student testing options for students in your school Support DTCs in investigating test improprieties TAM, Section 1.4: User Roles
Training ensures consistency in test administration and supports equitable and secure testing environments for students across schools and districts.
Staff Training Ensure that all STCs and TAs: Receive annual training Read and understand the Test Administration Manual Sign assurance of test security form Ensure that all non-TAs with access to the secure test environment or materials: Understand the importance of maintaining security TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
Test Administrator (TA) Training Requirement Highlights Use ODE-provided modules Incorporate discussion and check for comprehension in training Coordinate to identify all staff who need training TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
Test Administrator (TA) Training Required Modules Module 2: TA Training Module 3: Accessibility Supports Module 4: Test Security Module 5: Smarter Balanced Module 6: OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences Module 7: ELPA21 Required for all TAs Required for TAs based on the test(s) they will administer Test administration and security training modules: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2744
Test Administrator (TA) Training for Other Assessments In addition to Test Administration and Security Training, ensure that: All Braille Interface TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided training specific to configuring the Braille Interface All Extended Assessment TAs in your building receive additional ODE-provided Qualified Trainer or Qualified Assessor training All Kindergarten Assessment TAs in your building receive separate Kindergarten Assessment Training using ODE- provided modules. TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
Training Considerations Trainings can incorporate independent study time for added flexibility Track which staff have received training and signed an Assurance Form Access to the OAKS System may be granted to staff only upon completion of training requirements Develop a plan to provide “make-up” training to new hires or substitutes who will be involved in test administration Provide a brief refresher training or supplemental resources before the start of each testing window TA Training Promising Practices: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2444
Supporting Staff in Test Administration Training Supporting Staff in Test Administration Disseminate ODE-issued testing updates and alerts to staff involved in state testing* Weekly AA Update DTC Alerts Reminders about test windows and downtimes Respond to questions from staff using Regional ESD Assessment support partners when necessary *Monthly informal DTC webinars with ODE are another resource to get updates, ask questions, and share ideas with your peers TAM, Section 1.5: Training Requirements
Creating District and School Level User Accounts in TIDE Training Creating District and School Level User Accounts in TIDE One “DTC” allowed per district, with multiple “District Level User” roles permitted DTC creates district- and school-level accounts: District Level Users District Report Viewers School Test Coordinators School Report Viewers Test Administrators Test Technicians TIDE User Guide
Q&A Discussion What are the local considerations and challenges around training within your school or district? What are some effective approaches you could use to address these challenges? Who within your school or district needs to be included when coordinating TA training? What resources do you plan to use to assist you in planning and implementing TA training?
Scheduling accounts for local considerations and provides students adequate resources such as technology, space, and time to demonstrate what they know and can do on the test.
Statewide Test Schedule Scheduling Statewide Test Schedule http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=499 Kindergarten Assessment 8/9 – 10/20 PSAT/NMSQT 10/15, 10/19, or 11/2 ELPA21 1/10 – 4/13 OAKS Online Science and Social Sciences 1/10 – 6/9 NAEP 1/30 – 3/10 Smarter Balanced 2/7 – 6/9 Extended Assessment 2/16 – 4/27 TAM, Appendix A: Statewide Test Schedule
School-Level Test Windows: Reminder of Requirements Scheduling School-Level Test Windows: Reminder of Requirements 66% instructional day threshold for Smarter Balanced ensures that testing occurs at the appropriate time in relation to student instruction Provides local flexibility to manage resources *Remember, regardless of your school test window, schools will be held accountable for testing all students enrolled on the first school day in May. TAM, Section 5.2: School-Level Test Windows
School-Level Test Windows: Scheduling Considerations Tests are not timed Test times vary by grade and subject Use average test times in TAM to guide scheduling TAM, Section 5: Scheduling Test Administration TAM, Section 6: Planning for Test Administration
Managing School-Level Test Windows Scheduling Managing School-Level Test Windows District-level users (DLU) may set school-level test windows by grade and subject in TIDE The TA interface will only list tests included in a test session during that test’s school-level test window Recommended (but not required) to help districts ensure that the correct tests are administered at the right time TIDE User Guide & School-level test window promising practices http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444
Building a Testing Schedule Scheduling Building a Testing Schedule Inventory all potential locations and devices for testing Identify students who will be taking each test Determine non-negotiables: Previously scheduled events during testing Sequence of grade levels and tests considering recommendations Days of week and what time of day for testing Schedule Format Build in make-up sessions throughout testing Plan for schedule adjustment processes Plan staff, student, & parent communication
Q&A Discussion What are the local considerations and challenges around scheduling within your school or district? What are some effective approaches you could use to address these challenges? Who within your school or district needs to be included when coordinating your school-level test windows and schedules? What resources are available to assist you in planning and managing your school-level test windows and schedules?
Testing Adequate planning ensures that students have access to appropriate and necessary resources.
Student Test Options: Supports & Targeting Up Testing Student Test Options: Supports & Targeting Up Assigning embedded designated supports and accommodations in TIDE Targeting students up to a higher grade level test For Smarter Balanced Math & ELA, students in grades 3 through 7 are allowed to target up one grade level For OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences, students in grades 8 through 10 may target up to the grade 11 test Not allowed for KA, Extended, or ELPA21 TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion OAM, Appendix A TIDE User Guide
Student Test Options: Restricted Access and Retesting Managing test formats and restricting access Online tests may be restricted for student expected to take the Extended Assessment Managing retests OAKS Online Science & Social Sciences Grade 12 Smarter Balanced retest opportunity TAM, Section 5.3 Parent Requests for Exemption TAM, Appendix B: Student Inclusion TIDE User Guide
Student Participation ensures representation of all students in assessment results.
Participation Requirements Participation is based upon all student enrolled on the first instructional day in May Participation of 95% in ELA, Math, and Science are determined by federal statute. ELPA21 participation is expected by all eligible students who are English Learners owing to the role this assessment plays in determining EL program eligibility for individual students TAM, Section 5: Scheduling Test Administration
Managing Parent Requested Opt-Outs Participation HB 2655 governs exemptions for Smarter Balanced and Extended Math and ELA Districts responsibilities: Distribute annual notice at the start of each year Distribute combined 30-day notice and opt-out form by January 7 Enter Admin Code X All other assessments follow OAR 581-022-1910: Eligibility tied to disability or religion Parent must propose alternate learning activity TAM, Section 5.3: Parent Requests for Exemption Notices and Opt-out Form: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=4302
Student Participation: Communication Resources Smarter Balanced Factsheet Provides context for parents about the purpose of the state tests Key Messages about Participation Provides talking points administrators, counselors, teachers, or others can use when talking to parents about participation Sample Parent Letter about Participation and Robo Call Script Contains language to communicate with parents about participation Communications toolkit: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=4302
Q&A Discussion What are the local considerations and challenges around managing student participation within your school or district? What are some effective approaches you could use to address these challenges? Who within your school or district needs to be included in tracking student participation and parent requested opt-outs? What resources are available to assist you in tracking and managing student participation?
Contacts & Resources
Regional Assessment Support Resources Regional Assessment Support ODE will provide information through DTC listserv and Regional ESD helpdesks Regional ESDs are the best source for assessment support The state is divided into three regions Regional ESD contact information online: http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/assessmenthelp
ODE Policy Contacts Resources Mary Anderson, Director of Assessment Test Development and Administration mary.anderson@state.or.us, (503)947-5721 Jon Wiens, Manager of Accountability & Reporting Accountability and Reporting jon.wiens@state.or.us, (503)947-5764 Beth LaDuca, NAEP State Coordinator beth.laduca@state.or.us, (503)947-5836 Brad Lenhardt, Monitoring, Assessment, & Accommodations Specialist Accessibility & Accommodations Alternate Assessment brad.lenhardt@state.or.us, (503)947-5755 Holly Carter, Assessment Policy Analyst Test Security and Administration Policies holly.carter@state.or.us, (503)947-5739
Related Reading Requirements by Role Resources Related Reading Requirements by Role User Role Description District Test Coordinator (and District Level User) Sections 1 – 14 of the TAM Appendices A – F of TAM The Oregon Accessibility Manual (OAM) The Essential Skills Manual School Test Coordinator Sections 1 – 12 of the TAM Appendices A – F of the TAM The OAM
Online Resources Resources ODE staff contact information: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/staff/ Assessment & Accountability webpage: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=385 Regional ESD Helpdesk contacts: http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/assessmenthelp Test Administration Manual and Best Practices Guide: http:www.ode.state.or.us/go/tam Accommodations Manual and Webpage: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=487 Extended Assessment Updates: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/results/?id=178 Extended Assessment Manual: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2691 Promising Practices: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?=2444 Training Modules: http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2744 Test Security Forms: http://www.ode.state.or.us/go/testsecurity