Committed to connecting the world
1865 1934 International Telegraph Union International Telecommunication Union
The UN Agency for Information & Communication Technologies 1949 The UN Agency for Information & Communication Technologies The UN Agency for I C T
Without ITU… Email
But thanks to ITU… Hundreds of millions of people use satellite services Almost 2 billion people use the internet 5 billion mobile subscriptions Almost 5 billion people have access to television (and millions more using video compression in mobile devices)
Together with 191 Member States and almost 700 industry members ITU’s mission is to enable the growth and sustained development of telecommunications and information networks, and to facilitate universal access so people everywhere can benefit from the global information society. Together with 191 Member States and almost 700 industry members
One UN One world Thank you. Delivering as One
ICTs for Development & the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
ICTs: a catalyst for realizing the MDGs Investment in ICTs has a positive effect on GDP
Build on Broadband and the rest will follow
2010 2005 2015 Geneva 2003 Tunis 2005 UN UNGIS UNCTAD IGF UNESCO ECOSOC FAO ITU UNDP 2010 2005 2015 Geneva 2003 Tunis 2005
New initiative kick-offs Structured networking WSIS Forum, 10-14 May 2010 High-level debates Speed exchanges And premiering the World Telecommunication Development Report New initiative kick-offs Structured networking Thematic workshops
And – when disaster strikes – making sure that communications continue Emergency Telecommunications Using ICTs to help predict detect alert And – when disaster strikes – making sure that communications continue
Emergency Telecommunications Radiocommunication: disaster prediction, detection, alerting and relief Standardization: ensuring QoS, security and compatibility during emergency & mitigation operations Development: on the ground with satellite terminals, base stations, experts and funding
Cybersecurity protecting global communication data children
Study on the Financial Aspects of Network Security Cybersecurity ITU Toolkits: Botnet Mitigation Toolkit Promoting a Culture of Cybersecurity National Cybersecurity/CIIP Self-Assessment Tool Study on the Financial Aspects of Network Security Partnership with IMPACT & Global Response Centre (GRC) Child Online Protection (COP) Guidelines (parents, policy-makers, industry, and children)
Major events