Authentication and Authorization in ColdFusion Raymond Camden Owner, Camden Media
Who am I? Raymond Camden
What I will cover Adding a secure section to your web page Adding various security roles
What I won’t cover Security in terms of code (that’s another presentation!) ColdFusion’s Roles-Based Security
Security (in 2 bullet points!) Authentication Proving that you are who you say you are Authorization Are you allowed to do that?
Authentication Typically a username and password Database LDAP NT Domains
Authorization Roles specify who can do what Easier to assign roles to groups And then users to groups
Round One Demo No security Admin panel edit folder Anyone and everyone can edit
Round Two Authentication on folder Hard coded password How do I change my password? What if someone guesses the password?
Round Three “Real” authentication (username+password) Ability to work with more usernames/passwords
Round Four Some people can do some things and some people can do other things. Roles defines how the person acts within the application. Groups are a simple way to define roles.
Q and A