Things that make you go Hmmmm?! North Carolina Association Medical Staff Services May 13, 2016 Renee Aird Dengler, RN, MS, CPMSM, CPCS
SBAR Originally developed by the United States Navy as a communication technique that could be used on nuclear submarines. Introduced into healthcare in the 1990’s. Simple, effective way to standardize communications between care givers.
SBAR Joint Commission – Hot Topics in Healthcare: Transition of Care paper Joint Commission has added “standardized communication” to the Patient Safety Goals
SBAR SBAR for the Medical Staff Services Professional Presentation to Leadership Request for Staffing Request to Reorganize Department Request to Add/ Change / Delete a Policy /Procedure
SBAR Address a Situation or Solve a Problem Increased Staffing Reorganized – created Manager, Supervisor and Lead positions Eliminated pre-applications
SBAR Organize the information Present your information Most relevant data only Present your information What is the Situation that is causing a problem/pain Background – why now? Supporting information – assessment Recommendation
SBAR Keep it Short One Page Edit – eliminate bias Data and or Statistics References