Revising your District Technology Plan Jenny Thomas & Gregg Legutki RIMS CTAP
Agenda Purpose of tech plan Criteria Action Steps – CTAP Tech Plan Builder – Data Collection – Technology Plan submission process E-Rate connections Elements of high-quality education technology planning
Purpose of a State Approved Technology Plan Guide for how a district incorporates technology Required in EdCode Section EdTech Funding – K12 Voucher E-Rate
Criteria for State Approved Tech Plans 1.Plan Duration 2.Stakeholders 3.Curriculum 4.Professional Development 5.Hardware, Software, Infrastructure 6.Funding and Budget 7.Monitoring and Evaluation 8.Adult Literacy Providers 9.Research-Based Methods
Common Core State Standards District Tech Plan Year 1Year 2Year – – CCSS frameworks SBAC IT Readiness Survey CCSS SBAC assessments STAR repealed SBAC IT Readiness Survey CCSS SBAC assessments
Action Steps Gather writing team Identify stakeholders Review prior plan and current data Revise plan in sections - Order is important! Submit to RIMS CTAP liaison for grooming Submit ahead of Cycle Due Dates
Submission Process Submit Technology Plan in.doc format to RIMS CTAP – Appendix J: Cover page with contacts – Text of Tech Plan – Appendix C: Criteria with page numbers to Jenny Thomas –
CTAP Support
CTAP Tech Plan Builder
Data Collection
Suggested Timeline Gather data and stakeholder teams Now Calendar dates for meetings and writing sessions Now Invite CTAP Liaison to participate in 1-2 tech planning meetings Now Draft Curriculum section 2 months prior to submission Draft remainder of plan 6 weeks prior to submission Submit to RIMS CTAP liaison for final grooming 1 month prior to submission
Submission Process Submit Technology Plan in.doc format to RIMS CTAP – Cover page with contacts - Appendix J – Text of Tech Plan – Criteria - Appendix C to Jenny Thomas –
Submission Deadlines Cycles for Submission For plans expiring June 30, 2013 Cycle A – November 30, 2012 Cycle B – May 31, 2013– non E-Rate only Plans may be submitted at any time prior to the deadline! RIMS CTAP Recommends Cycle B only for districts not using this plan for E-Rate
E-Rate Connection
E-Rate Needed for Priority 2 E-Rate services State-approved Plan serves as approved plan for E-Rate Services on Form 470/471 linked to plan
E-Rate Form 470 Before filing a Form 470, a district must have a written tech plan that covers the period for services they are requesting – Districts with expiring plans on June 30, 2013 need a new written plan before filing your Form 470 in fall 2012
From Form 470…
Where to Mention E-Rate Section 1 –This plan will serve as the district E-Rate and EETT Plan for the next _ years. Section 5 – Make sure all E-Rate items are listed – Best practice = identify E-Rate items
E-Rate Form 486 Approved before filing Form 486 – Start of services
Contacts California Department of Education Doris Stephen Regional Submission Jenny Thomas Tech Planning Assistance and Grooming RIMS CTAP staff
Elements of High Quality Education Technology Plans Analysis of the Criteria
1. Plan Duration 3-5 years July 1, June 30, 20xx
2. Stakeholders Broad-based input Site personnel District personnel Students Family Community Stakeholder input as needed
3. Curriculum Based on district curricular needs – Common Core State Standards – LEA Plan – Curriculum Master Plan Goals and implementation plan in each of the seven areas (3d-3j)
Section 3d Example
3. Curriculum - 3f & 3g AB307 - Chavez – Internet Safety and Ethical Use of Technology must be addressed in tech plans RIMS CTAP Copyright and Internet Safety Workshop - Custom Workshop CTAP CyberSafety Web site – Teaching and Learning – CyberSafety CyberSafety
4. Professional Development Supports attaining goals and implementation activities of the curriculum component Goals, measurable objectives, annual benchmarks, and an implementation plan Include teachers and administrators
5. Hardware, Infrastructure, Technical Support, Software Realistic identification of needs to be successful in curriculum and professional development component Planning for growth Deployment plan and timeline Consistent with E-Rate service requests
6. Funding and Budget Identification of funding options Cost estimates for all plan components Total cost of ownership (TCO) addressed – Replacement costs – Step and column – New staff – Growth Obsolescence policy
Section 6b Example ITEM/ACTIVITYYear 1Year 2Year 3 Funding Source INFRASTRUCTURE Electricity Upgrades$2,368,729$2,057,080$1,308,420Bond Measures PERSONNEL COSTS District Technology Office Staff (current) $380,000$390,000$400,000General Funds District Technology Office Staff (new) NA$20,000$22,000General Funds Sub Costs for Professional Develpment $11,240$12,800$13,800Categorical Programs HARDWARE Computers (new and replacement) $25,992$21,750$18,125Categorical Programs LCD Projectors$35,000$36,000$30,000K12Voucher Document Camera$35,000$36,000$30,000Title II, D (EETT) Printers$20,000$21,000$18,000ETO Budget Server Upgrade$1,200$1,2502,420
7. Monitoring and Evaluation Describe the process for evaluating overall impact – Who, What, How? Schedule for monitoring – When? Process and frequency for communicating results to stakeholders
8. Collaboration with Adult Literacy Providers Identify current collaborations Identify future collaboration possibilities – Planning – Sharing resources Explain how adult literacy providers will be involved in the ongoing monitoring/evaluation of the plan
9. Research 9a: Research should guide strategies and implementation plan – Curriculum – Professional development – Recent research 9b: Technology to deliver specialized and/or rigorous academic courses and curricula – Distance learning – Resources not available in community
Contacts California Department of Education Doris Stephen Regional Submission Jenny Thomas Tech Planning Assistance and Grooming RIMS CTAP staff