Newton’s First Law of Motion: Demonstrations Newton’s First Law Demonstrations 1 Name _________________________________ Date ____________________ Class ___________________ Newton’s First Law of Motion: Demonstrations Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion, also called the Law of Inertia, says the following: “An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Explain the following “tricks” in terms of this law of motion. Use key words, including mass, friction, gravity, and inertia. Stacked Cups or Bowls Stack cups or bowls, with pieces of cardboard in between. At the count of three, remove the cardboard as quickly as you can. If you are fast enough, the cups/bowls will nest together. Stacked Ball Bounce First bounce a basketball and tennis ball side by side to compare their bounces. Start them off around chest height. Then, stack the small ball on top of the bigger one and drop them both together.
Newton’s First Law Demonstrations 2 Penny in a Cup Set up an empty cup. On it place an index card. On top of that place a coin, or a stack of coins. With the flick of your finger, push the cardboard out from under the coins. If you are fast enough, the coin(s) will drop into the cup. Coin Flip Bend one arm upwards so that your forearm is parallel to the floor. On the top side of your forearm, put a coin or stack of coins. Then, swing down your arm, and try to catch the coin(s) in your hand.
Newton’s First Law Demonstrations 3 Egg spin Consider two eggs. One is raw, and the other is hard-boiled, but you do not know which is which. Spin each egg in turn, stopping the egg momentarily with your fingers, then letting the egg go again. One egg will continue spinning when you let go, but the other egg will not. Identify which egg does what, then determine which one you think is raw or hard-boiled, and why. Orbital Inertia Hold a cup upside down over a small ball. Move the cup in a circle several times. The ball inside the cup will “orbit” around the edge. Then lift the cup and notice how the ball moves. Explain your findings.