Cudworth School Review of School Effectiveness (ROSE) March 8, 2017 Board Report
Celebration Items Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning Students feel safe at school Extra-curricular opportunities Students have time to read when at school Positive relationship between staff and students
I like this school because the teachers are good. (Student) I feel safe here. The Principal helps me to feel safe. (Student) Compassionate, kind, caring, and giving teachers who genuinely care for and want the best for each student. Each student is given the opportunity to do their best every day. (Staff Member) I really like the “family groups” that started this year. (Multiple Students) I like how teachers know their students and understand how they respond and learn. (Student) Having the teacher there in the morning to greet the children when they arrive is great. (Parent/Caregiver) I like this school a lot because there are no bullies. (Student) There are some really great teachers in our school and they make our children want to learn, achieve, and participate. (Parent/Caregiver) They not only teach us how to read and write but they help us be a better person. (Student) Some staff members go above and beyond expectations and are wonderful role models for the students. (Parent/Caregiver)
Areas of Enhancement Communication Warm and Inviting Environment Parent/Caregiver and Public Perception
#1 Area of Enhancement Communication Parents/Caregivers felt that there could be more communication between reporting periods. Parents/Caregivers also felt we could do a better job of communicating about the activities that are happening in the school. Parents/Caregivers would like to have more input into school decisions.
There is some communication (in the agenda, newsletter, etc There is some communication (in the agenda, newsletter, etc.) between the teacher and students, but that varies with each grade. (Parent/Caregiver) There needs to be more information sent home (by email or paper form) regarding school activities, sporting events, etc. (Parent/Caregiver) I would prefer email communication as paper notes get lost in students' backpacks. (Parent/Caregiver) I see the newsletter, which is nice, but I don't feel we receive communication in other areas, such as schedules and parent drivers, etc. (Parent/Caregiver) We need to be informed prior to report cards if there is a problem. (Parent/Caregiver)
Communication - Plan Letter sent home regarding running records. School staff will email parents/caregivers on a regular basis. Every classroom will host a Parent event.
Communication – Evidence So Far Classroom teachers have sent home letters about running records Classroom teachers have started to send emails home telling parents about what is happening in their classroom We have invited our parents to 2 events in the past month. -
#2 Area of Enhancement Warm and Inviting Environment Not all parents/caregivers feel welcome in the school. Not all parents/caregivers volunteer in the school. Many parents/caregivers do not feel their opinions are valued.
Everyone should be greeted and treated like a guest when they come into the school. (Staff Member) When you walk into the school and see a teacher in the hallway, it is nice when they say hello. (Multiple Parents/Caregivers) I would like if our parents were more involved in things going on in the school because that doesn’t happen that much. (Student)
Warm and Inviting Environment - Plan The school will host a breakfast for school and community. We will have a parent/caregiver potluck supper. When answering phone, staff will announce who is speaking (Good morning, Cudworth School, _________ speaking.) Staff will make a point of greeting people in the hallway. We will make the entrance more inviting.
Warm and Inviting Environment - Evidence So Far Community breakfast put on by Cudworth School Staff.
#3 AREA OF ENHANCEMENT Parent/Caregiver and Public Perception In our ROSE Report, there are several items where the parent/public perception is different than the perception of our students.
I like this school a lot because there are no bullies. (Student) Bullying appears to be an issue at this school. (Multiple Parents/Caregivers) Our teachers do a good job helping us learn and find new ways to solve problems. (Student) They need to start learning about each student’s needs and using that knowledge to strengthen their learning. (Parent/Caregiver) If we are having trouble with our work our teachers help us. (Student) We can talk to teachers at noon or after class. (Student) The communication between students and teachers NEEDS to improve. These are the people that are helping shape our children in who they will become. (Parent/Caregiver)
Parent/Public Perception - Plan Positive communication log?? What are some different ways to brag about ourselves? Targeted meetings to improve the parent/caregiver and public perception (ie: sharing of the ROSE data) How can we use positive parent/caregivers and public advocates?
Parent/Caregiver Public Perception – Evidence So Far We are in the process of setting up a positive communication log for teachers to use to send positive comments to parents. We want to use our web site and email more regularly to inform parents what is happening in the school. We are planning a spring meeting with the community to share the ROSE data.
Another Source of Data We have included our Fountas and Pinnell data comparing our results our Fall 2014 and Fall 2016 results. Fall 2014 Fall 2016
Principal’s Last Words The ROSE process has been a very positive experience for students, staff, and parents/caregivers. It has given all interested stakeholders, an opportunity to express their opinion. Our staff will use the feedback from the ROSE Process, to make our school a great place for our students. Our continual efforts for overall improvement, will be documented in our Learning Improvement Plan.