DLCF Enabling technologies Better Plumbing for Research Data Management The Data LifeCycle Framework (DLCF) is an Australian national strategy to connect research resources and activities through some of the NCRIS eScience capabilities. DLCF Enabling technologies Cloud based connectors and Identifiers for research data, tools, storage and outputs. Research Activity Identifier (RAiD) Handle PID RAiD DMR cotaining related PID’s Doi, Orcid, RAiDS, GiDs, Tool and Service ID’s Group ID and Group Management service (G.iD) Federated Access via AAF Provisioning of storage and tools via AARNET and NECTAR Metadata store and APIs to access the Activity and Groups services Federated Access: AAF Data Services: ANDS Research Data Services : RDS National eResearch Collaboration Tools & Resources: NeCTAR: Academic Research Network and storage: AARNet
Integrated Data Management System Generation / ingest share analyse/process HPC analyse/process Institutions/ Researchers NCRIS Integrated Data Management System Identity / Authorisation / Access Collections Storage Discovery Research data Australia Collection 1 Collection 2 Components and connections