WELCOME TO BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! Mrs. Mahoney 5th Grade Room 19
Classroom Management Compliments from the teacher Students will be rewarded for appropriate behavior in the following manner: 1. Positive behavior! Compliments from the teacher Community circles (character education) compliments from other students 2. Group points 3. Silver Horseshoes (all staff members) 4. Occasional jolly rancher Classroom jobs reinforce positive classroom behavior promote community “Mahoney Money” --end of trimester auction *Donations
Fines will be paid in “Mahoney Money”. Classroom Management The following consequences are a result when a student is not following the classroom expectations. REMINDER- WARNING- Fine (#foul) 3. LOSS OF RECESS-Fine (#foul) and loss of 1 recess PARENT CONTACT- phone call or email home and/or sent to a time out classroom. (#foul/Fine) PRINCIPAL- all the behavior and discipline plans exhausted (#foul/Fine) NOTE: A $5 fine will be given to the students each time they have a #Foul. Fines will be paid in “Mahoney Money”.
Curriculum The fifth grade curriculum is based on the Common Core State Standards. Please refer to the grade level standards for more details. (link in back to school packet) Language Arts: Benchmark Advance , Accelerated Reader, Learning Center (based on i-Ready assessment needs) Writing: LOTS OF IT! Magic Lens grammar, 5-step writing process, focus on Opinion, Informative/Explanatory, Narrative writing Math: enVision MATH, emphasis on problem solving
Curriculum Science: Scott Foresman, physical science (matter), life science (structures of organisms and human body), and earth science (water, weather, & solar system) Project Lead the Way (PLTW): STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) program, uses activity-, project-, and problem-based curriculum to give students a chance to apply what they know, identify problems, find unique solutions, and lead their own learning Social Studies: Social Studies Alive! America’s Past, U.S. Constitution, States & Captials
Curriculum Life Skills: organization, problem solving, study skills, Second Step: Skills for Social & Academic Success, community circle, Autism and special needs awareness Other Activities: Computers (Chrome books), Music, Art, P.E.
Daily Schedule 8:25-9:15 Morning Routine / HW / DOL / Walk & Talk 9:20-10:00 Rotations: Science/ Social Studies/ Writing 10:00-11:00 Language Arts 11:00-11:40 Lunch 11:40-1:00 Math 12:55-1:15 Recess 1:15-1:40 Second Step/ iReady / SSR 1:40-2:30 Learning Center (Mon-Thurs) Read aloud (Friday) 2:30-2:37 Agendas, PSCS PE: Wed. 8:30-9:00 *Additional PE time may vary. Music: Mon. 9:10-9:45 Tues. 9:10-9:45 Library: TBA
Homework Always due the next day Purpose Student’s responsibility agendas time management expandable folder Reading Daily Assignments Always due the next day Late assignments are due by the end of the day or they will be counted as NO CREDIT Students will finish homework at recess
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MATH Practice math facts LANGUAGE ARTS Silent reading book book SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES All About Me Job Application ___OTHER___ Music form Supplies/ headphones Back to school checklist (due Friday) Back to School Night Wednesday 5:30-6:30
Accelerated Reader Students will be given a point goal for each trimester. They are required to read and take AR quizzes for enough books to reach their point goals. The quizzes must be within their reading level. They will be due the Friday before the end of each trimester. This not only counts for effort grades but also for reading grades. It is your CHILD’S RESPONSIBILITY to take tests.
Grades Homework/Class Assignments—1-10 pts * Honor Roll: 3.5 grade Tests—100 pts Quizzes—25 or 50 pts Teacher Observations Reports—100-200 pts AR—100 pts per trimester No extra credit * Honor Roll: 3.5 grade point average or better * Principal’s List: all A's * All subjects are averaged * A student may not have a grade below a B in any subject to qualify.
***These are LAST year’s requirements*** Middle School Honors MATH 5th Grade math=A’s or B’s CAASPP = 3 or 4 i-Ready = level 5 or greater Option to skip…see me in the Spring HONORS ENGLISH 5th Grade Reading =A’s 5th Grade Writing =A’s i-Ready = at least 653 CAASPP overall score exceeded standard ***These are LAST year’s requirements***
Volunteers ALL PARENTS who work in the CLASSROOM and GO ON FIELD TRIPS need to be FINGERPRINTED (CAT II) The process can take up to 2 weeks All parents MUST sign in at the office and have a badge on. Life Touch will be taking pictures for badges on picture make-up day.
New tables and umbrellas, Agendas, Friday folders, and LOTS more Russell Ranch PTA Please JOIN! Box Tops New tables and umbrellas, Agendas, Friday folders, and LOTS more
Field Trips Aquatic Center—May (≈$40) In-n-Out—May (≈$6) Coloma—October
Coloma Outdoor Discovery School Oct. 2-5 www.cods.org Cost $335 (due by Sept. 7) Last year’s deposit of $100 credited Payments to teacher: Checks addressed to… Russell Ranch Elementary
Coloma Volunteers Need 17-20 parent volunteers Must be cleared through the office as a volunteer (TB & fingerprinted) Interested? Parent questionnaire If we have more volunteers then needed, we will draw names
Coloma Volunteers Parents will not be in the same learning group as their child. Why? “Outdoor school is an opportunity to grow for many children. We've found that students perform better when independent from Mom or Dad. Remind parents that they will have times to reconnect: at meals, free time, during the evening program, and in the bunkhouse (if specifically requested).” –Coloma Outdoor Discovery School
Cabins At the most 12 individuals in each Each cabin will be supervised by 1-2 Parent Counselors Cabins are climate-controlled Flushing toilet and sink Additional shower houses are available
Cafeteria 3 meals a day Menu available online Seconds If your child has a dietary need, please let your teacher know. prepare ready-to-eat, supplemental food, packaged for each meal. Once on-site, access to refrigeration and a microwave is available.
Medications All medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) medications, must have a written statement on the Medical Information and Release Form (provided by CODS) from your authorized health care provider AND the parent or guardian. Must be turned in the week before (Medications due Sept. 21)
Miscellaneous Thank you for all of the supplies!! Friday Folders (please sign and return on Monday) Math Facts Magazines for projects -tear out inappropriate pages Electronic Book Readers -Fill out release Envision Math Powerschool Parent Note card to write note