Sri Nityanandaswamy Educational Trust Yearly Update Asha Austin Chapter
Up To Year 2007 Initial site visit by Ram Done in June 2005. Received initial project proposal from school for funding of school infrastructure. Follow up site visits done by Arvind Rao and Radhakrisna.
Up to year 2007 Cont. Decided to not support Infrastructure costs as yet but support students education till we develop an understanding of the organization. Decided to support the funding of 70 students from class 7 through 2nd PUC. Sent the FCRA required documents to the school to apply for FCRA clearance.
2007 Update The school’s FCRA application did not get accepted first time around as they had not filled a particular field. They reapplied in January 2007. The application again did not get accepted as this time around they had not attached the commitment letter.
Next Steps: Resending a new commitment letter for 2007-08 and asking the school to re-apply for FCRA prior permission. Work with them once again in the meanwhile to get a new list of students that we will be supporting for 2007-08. A volunteer from Asha Bangalore will be visiting the school/as well as Afshan from Asha Mn. They will review the application before sending it for approval.