Inter-BS Synchronization and Fast Detection of WRAN Systems 2006 March Inter-BS Synchronization and Fast Detection of WRAN Systems IEEE P802.22 Wireless RANs Date: 2006-07-17 Authors: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.22. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.22. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair Carl R. Stevenson as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.22 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at > Huawei
Inter-BS Synchronization Huawei
TWO INTER-BS SYNCHRONIZATIONS Problems to be solved For the requirement of co-existence among WRAN systems in an overlapped coverage area, synchronization among these base stations (BSs) should be performed within an overlapped coverage area. Only a complementary method for synchronization slide scheduling by using time offsets extracted from received beacon signals is suggested. Two inter-BS synchronizations Synchronization between two base stations Synchronization among multiple base stations Huawei
2006 March Part 1: Synchronization between Two Base Stations Huawei
2006 March BACKGROUND The same operations are applied to CBPs received directly by BS itself and through a bridge CPE. Different synchronization results can be obtained for both cases. For the case that a BS performs synchronization according to CBPs received directly by itself : at the BS, signals from different BSs arrive at the BS simultaneously. at the CPEs, signals from different BSs do not arrive simultaneously. Compensation should be made according to the size of coverage of a BS Huawei
2006 March HUAWEI’S PROPOSAL Add compensation according to the size of coverage of a BS Modify equations of Slide Amount and Directionin Section : where GuardSymbol is the number of symbols corresponding to the compensation range ( ). Huawei
2006 March CONCLUSIONS The different operations are applied to CBPs received by BSs and CPEs Compensation is made according to the radius of coverage area of own BS to CBPs received by BS itself. Downstream subframes at each BS and upstream subframes at each neighboring BS are transmitted at different times after Synchronization. Huawei
2006 March Part 2: Synchronization among Multiple Base Stations Huawei
AN EXAMPLE OF OVERLAPPING BSs 2006 March AN EXAMPLE OF OVERLAPPING BSs A different priority to each BS is assigned. BS A B C D E priority 3 1 4 2 5 Huawei
SYNCHRONIZATION RULES 2006 March SYNCHRONIZATION RULES Synchronization procedure : Step 1 BSA and BSC are synchronized with BSB because BSB has the highest priority. BSE is synchronized with BSD because BSD has the higher priority. Step 2 BSD is synchronized with BSC BSE is synchronized with BSA Synchronization priority can be set according to parameters of the BS such as MAC address or IP address Huawei
SYNCHRONIZATION INITIALIZATION Syn_Pri synchronization priority of a BS, given by the manufacturer or other. High_Syn_Pri: highest synchronization priority of a BS, used for storing the highest priority which the BS is being synchronized to. High_Syn_Pri and Syn_Pri will be set to an equal value when they are initializing. Huawei
SYNCHRONIZATION NEGOTIATION When there are active CPEs in an overlapped area between BSs and these CPEs have received SCHs or CBPs from the other BS in quiet periods (QPs) scheduled by their BS, the BS can perform synchronization operations using these active CPEs as bridges. That is, CBP packets can be relayed to a neighboring BS through CPEs. When a BS is close enough to the neighboring BS, the messages in the previous slide can also be received by the neighboring BS directly. Huawei
CBP MAC PDU Syntax Size Notes CBP MAC PDU () { 2006 March CBP MAC PDU Syntax Size Notes CBP MAC PDU () { 1 OFDM symbol, using known modulation method Syn Pri n bits Synchronization priority, can be set with MAC address, IP address etc. of BS. Reception Offset Indicates the offset (in units of slot duration) relative to the start of the first slot of the PHY PDU (including preamble) frame where the beacon was received. The time instants indicated by the Reception Offset values are the reception times of the first slot of the beacon including preamble (if present). HCS 8 bits Header Check Sequence } Here only necessary fields about synchronization priority are listed here. Huawei
FLOW CHART Syn_Pri: synchronization priority of own BS 2006 March FLOW CHART Syn_Pri: synchronization priority of own BS High_Syn_Pri: highest priority synchronized so far High_Syn_Pri and Syn_Pri will be set to an equal value when they are initializing. Details of confirmation and tracking of synchronization can be seen in Section of Reference [1]. In this reference, for tracking of synchronization, only a CBP packet with a synchronization priority equals to High_Syn_Pri should be tracked. Huawei
2006 March CONCLUSIONS Establishment and confirmation and tracking of synchronization can be achieved with the same procedures described in the current draft of the standard. Frequent sliding can be avoided for synchronization Synchronization can be assured in all BS. Rapid synchronization can be achieved among multiple BSs. Huawei
Fast Detection of WRAN Systems under Lower SINR Conditions Huawei
2006 March BACKGROUND CPEs in the overlapping area may not detect WRAN signals and can not notify WRAN system that there is interference as in hidden incumbent cases. Huawei
OUR PROPOSAL Detect long training sequences in frame preambles 2006 March OUR PROPOSAL Detect long training sequences in frame preambles Detect short training sequences in frame preambles (optional) Detect long training sequences in superframe preambles The main reason for the above proposal is that the repeated period of superframe preambles is much larger than that of frame preambles. Frame preamble detection can be performed with preamble training sequence, which includes long training sequence and short training sequence. However we propose to detect frame preamble long training sequence to increase detection rate. During slide detection, we can use 1/2 FFT block as a unit to slide. It is feasible that 1/2 FFT block is slid as a unit because LT in the second OFDM symbol of preamble is repeated twice. So wherever slide initial position is, 1/2 FFT block selected always inside FFT time occupied preamble LT. In addition, to reduce probability of miss detection, after preamble LT is detected, ST need be detected to confirm WRAN existence. Huawei
represents no. of preamble FFT samples 2006 March DETECTION PROCEDURE represents no. of preamble FFT samples Huawei
SIMULATION RESULT 1 Determine detection threshold for SIR of -12 dB 2006 March SIMULATION RESULT 1 Determine detection threshold for SIR of -12 dB Huawei
2006 March SIMULATION RESULT 2 Detection probability VS SIR , relative threshold=0.9 Huawei
CONCLUSIONS Can capture WRAN system signals in low SNR situations. 2006 March CONCLUSIONS Can capture WRAN system signals in low SNR situations. Combine frame preambles with superfame preambles to achieve rapid detection. Low probabilities of false detection can be achieved. Huawei