1 Preparing Texas Today... Division of Emergency Management Texas Department of Public Safety...for Tomorrows Challenges First Responder Preparedness.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Texas Today... Division of Emergency Management Texas Department of Public Safety...for Tomorrows Challenges First Responder Preparedness

2 10: :20Introductions/Background/Strategic Overview Jay Kimbrough, Office of the Governor 10: :20Key Elements Jack Colley, Division of Emergency Management 11: :40Local Government Response Mike Eastland, Executive Director, North Central Council of Governments, TARC Frank Sturzl, Executive Director, Texas Municipal League Carey Boethel, Director of Governmental Relations, Texas Association of Counties Agenda

3 11: :55Facilitated Question/Comment Jay Kimbrough, Office of the Governor 11: :00Closing Remarks Jay Kimbrough, Office of the Governor Agenda

4 qWhy we are here…. ò Discuss a State Umbrella Strategic Plan ò Anticipate Federal First Responder Initiative funding...when…?? ò By having a plan we can…Fill in the Blanks when funding is determined qWhy we are NOT here…. ò Who gets what dollars where… ò Undo anything that has been done at the local level - ex: Mutual Aid Agreements Overview

5 qWhat we know…. ò State of Texas has a comprehensive statewide plan ò Locals are in charge…as always ò No change to direction and control ò There will be requirements…but….none that do not make Sense ò If State is ready….local governments will be eligible ò Must be a coordinated Team of Teams effort Overview

6 qWhat we must continue to do…. ò Anti-terrorism coordination ò Community support network ò Web site system ò Strategic planning ò Other First Responder Initiatives Overview



9 Preparing Texas Today... Division of Emergency Management Texas Department of Public Safety...for Tomorrows Challenges First Responder Preparedness

10 q Statewide Strategic Focus q Tasks to be Accomplished q Phased Plan Development q Action Timeline q Discussion / Q&A Agenda

11 Strategic State Focus Plan Train / Equip Exercise Assess Develop plans, procedures, and implementing documents for state and local consequence management response to a terrorist act or incident involving a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) Develop and deliver training for the consequence management of a terrorist act/incident Develop equipment program that fields an enduring sustainable capacity to respond statewide Develop and conduct exercises that assess existing state and/or local plans and procedures for consequence management of a terrorist act or incident involving a WMD with the outcome of enhancing those plans and procedures Develop assessment tools that provide real-time feedback to insure success Plan Train Equip Exercise Assess

12 Strategic State Focus Plan Train / Equip Exercise Assess q Build capability and capacity for all areas of Texas þ Equipment sets and teams Priority to areas lacking basic response capability Provide backup and reconstitution to local teams Provide umbrella during building period for local capability

13 Strategic State Focus PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess q Maximize response capability for all-hazards q Enhance statewide coverage by mutual aid and inter-local agreements q Maintain an emphasis on incident command and unified command structure/system

14 Strategic State Focus PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess q Focus resources to allow local jurisdictions to protect first responders and save lives until additional mutual aid, state, or federal assistance arrives q Enhance capabilities through planning, training, exercises and equipment that includes all disciplines q Resolve communications interoperability challenges

15 Strategic State Focus PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess q Continue to build local capability and capacity over time q Leverage lessons learned through established relationships between local communities and state agencies and organizations

16 Tasks To Be Accomplished PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess qDevelop concept of planning þ Develop timeline for planning þ Develop planning assumptions þ Conduct regional workshops qRefine concepts þ Define regional needs/requirements þ Define purpose, roles and missions for equipment or teams

17 Tasks To Be Accomplished PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess qDevelop funding strategy þ For FY02 supplemental and FY03 þ 70/30, 75/25, 80/20 (% Local / State) qDevelop Draft Grantee Technical Assistance þ May be in the absence of clear and concise federal guidance

18 Tasks To Be Accomplished PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess qIdentify legislative issues þ Mutual aid Compensation Liabilities Reimbursement þ Mandate use of incident command and unified command structure/system þ Mandate basic preparedness levels þ Mandate multi-jurisdictional plans where needed

19 Phased Planned Development PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess PHASE I:Framework development (May June 15) + Stakeholders input/feedback + Agency/input/feedback + Others/input/feedback + Determine planning assumptions

20 Phased Planned Development PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess PHASE II:Plan Development (June June 24) + Develop Draft #1 & #2 + Develop Final Draft + Final DRAFT(June 24) + Forward plan to Federal Office Of Homeland Security (TBD)

21 Action Timeline (Key Events / Dates) DATE Jun 11 Jun Jun 14 Jun Jun 19 Jun Jun 24 Jun 27-Jul 5 Jul 9-Aug 30 } } Sep 1-9 Sep Oct 1 Jan 8, 2003 TIME 10:00-12:00 9:00-5: :00-5: :00-5: LOCATION Camp Mabry State EOC State Capitol State EOC State Capitol State EOC State Capitol Austin EVENT Stakeholders Meeting (TODAY) Plan Team Meeting #2 (Complete Draft #1) In-Progress Review (IPR) #1 Plan Team Meeting # 3 (Complete Draft #2) In-Progress Review (IPR) #2, Finalize Plan Final Plan Plan Distribution {Conduct Combined Regional Workshops { Develop Regional Plans Final Plan Coordination State Conference /Workshop(TBD) Receive Federal Funding (TBD) In-Progress Review (IPR) #1 As of PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess

22 Discussion/Q&A First Responder Preparedness PlanTrain / Equip Exercise Assess