CCC Kei Wa Primary School (Kowloon Tong) Unit 1 Learning Sheet 1.8a Name : _____________________ ( ) Class : P.5 ( ) Adverb of frequency Amy’s schedule
always usually never do housework read comics watch TV Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat do housework read comics watch TV play basketball always usually sometimes never
How often does Amy do housework? Amy always does housework.
How often does Amy read stories? Amy usually reads stories.
How often does Amy watch TV? Amy sometimes watches TV.
How often does Amy play basketball? Amy never plays basketball.
Hello! I am Harry Potter. I can do magic. I always stay in Hogwarts School. I usually study and play with Ron and Hermione. I sometimes travel with my broomstick. I never hurt people with magic. Do you like me?
The end