Understanding Trademarks
We are Surrounded by Trademarks An average American encounters thousands of trademarks each day…from the closet to the kitchen, on the way to school, in the newspaper, in magazines, on TV and radio, in supermarkets, restaurants, and shopping malls.
So what is a Trademark??? Includes any word, name, symbol, sound, scent, or device in commerce to identify and distinguish the goods one company manufacturers or sells. In short a trademark is a brand name
Service mark Is the same as a trademark but is intended for service industries like banking services or cellphone service.
A trademark must be registered at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The symbol indicates federal registration and puts the world on notice that the trademark owner has exclusive rights to use it for particular products or services in the USA
How long does it last? A federally registered trademark can be renewed forever
Consumers As a consumer a Trademark provides us with valuable information. They are our source indicators that allow us as consumers to know what to expect in the quality of a product or service.
Allows us to buy with the assurance that we are getting products or services we liked in the past to avoid those products in the future.
Businesses As a business this can be our most valuable asset. They stand as emblems of a company’s reputation Often a Trademark is a sign of trust and loyalty that encourages sales.
Guess that Trademark???
Brand Name vs. Generic Name Most inventions have two names – a brand name and a generic name. For example, think about Coca-Cola. You may know it as Coke – the brand name, buts its generic name is soda pop. Who can explain why this is important???