CalWARN Operational Plan Presented By: Gary Sturdivan & Kelly Hubbard
Authors of The CalWARN Operational Plan: Ray Riordon Katy Gibson Gary Sturdivan Kelly Hubbard Lorrie Teates
CalWARN Operational Plan The need for the Operational Plan. When to ask for mutual aid/assistance. How to ask for mutual aid/assistance. Considerations for requesting or receiving assistance
CalWARN Operational Plan 30 Day CalWARN member review period starting May 14, 2008 Comments should be sent to: Ray Riordon: Katy Gibson: Gary Sturdivan: Kelly Hubbard: Lorrie Teates:
Table of Contents Acronyms Terms and Assumptions Introduction Purpose of the plan Governance Trainings, Exercises and Updates Concept of Operation Activation Response considerations
Table of Contents CalWARN Coordination After Action Report and Improvement Plan Attachments and Forms (In review by committee)
Table of Contents Member Utility Authorized Official Member Utilities Responsibilities Requesting Assistance Offering Assistance Refusing Assistance Withdrawing Assistance
CalWARN Operational Plan State Steering Committee Responsibilities Organize/Coordinate emergency planning and response activities Encourage participation Establish meeting schedules Maintain communication with members Represent members when engaged in meetings
CalWARN State Steering Committee State Chair: (Elected by State Steering Committee) State Vice-Chair: New position State Steering Committee: (Region Chairs) (Elected by Member Utilities for the six California Regions)
Subcommittees Associate Members Operations Subcommittee Response Subcommittee Membership Committee Ballot Subcommittee Special Projects Committee Turn over Power Point and introduce Kelly Hubbard at the end of this slide
Training, Exercises, and Updates Understand the CalWARN Agreement Review CalWARN Operational Plan Understand CalWARN Website Understand AWWA Resource Typing Manual Understand your utility’s Safety Procedures
Recommended Training for SEMS NIMS compliance IS-100 IS-200 IS-300 IS-400 IS-700 IS-800.B
Exercises Test CalWARN Operational Plan Train members on the use of the Operational Plan Communication protocols Interagency cooperation Participate in Utility, City, County, Regional, or State Exercises
Updating Operational Plan Recommendations from Member Utilities Recommendations from Associate Member Agencyies Changes in Federal or State laws All changes to be reviewed by State Steering Committee and voted on by Member Utilities
CalWARN Activation Who Activates WARN What is activated Activation Notification Responding to a request
Response Consideration Requesting Utility Responding Utility Requesting Utility Demobilization Responding Utility Demobilization
CalWARN Response Coordination Small Incidents Catastrophic Incidents CalWARN Response Team Provide point of contact and liaison Collect information Expanding the contact and forming of a team to handle requests for large incidents
CalWARN Response Team Responsibilities May Act as Liaison to Utilities Branch of the Operational Area, Region and/or State Emergency Operation Centers Monitor the number of requests Identify new sources of support Identify gaps in requests and resources Provide damage assessment data if known
Division of Response Team Responsibilities in a large event Manage Damage Assessment data Receive, track, and monitor requests Coordinate Resource Orders Coordinate Staging Area Information
CalWARN Operational Plan After Action Report Corrective Action Plan