Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night! Ms. Thor 8th Grade Reading
Contact Information Phone: 281-357-3030 extension 1231 Email: tiffanythor@tomballisd.net Willow Wood Junior High Website (Staff Directory)
Goal of Reading Lab What the students say: What it really is: ♦ “To make us read boring books.” ♦ “To help us pass the STAAR.” ♦ “To torture students.” ♦ Figure 19 (see handout) ♦ To equip students with reading comprehension tools that work for them and decrease anxiety stemming from academic reading.
♦ Composition notebook or spiral (your choice) ♦ Binder with 3 or more tabs/dividers ♦ Pens or pencils ♦ Handheld pencil sharpener
About Ms. Thor ♦ 9 Years teaching experience – University of Houston Writing Center, Houston ISD, Tomball ISD ♦ Certified: 7-12 Language Arts, English as a Second Language (ESL) ♦ Tomball Resident ♦ Graduated from with a Bachelor’s in English ♦ Strong Parent-Teacher relationships are key
Grading Policies ♦ 12+ grades per grading cycle: 3 major, 9 daily ♦ Major grades account for 60% of overall grade. Daily grades account for 40% of overall grade ♦ Late work policy as follows: Major Grades Daily Grades 1 day late -15 -30 2 days late Not accepted 3+ days late
Thank you for attending! I’m looking forward Some Final Notes ♦ Subscribing to Classroom Management Apps – See handout ♦ LET ME KNOW HOW I CAN HELP Thank you for attending! I’m looking forward to a GREAT year!