Lathrop Intermediate School Home of the Spartans Martin Luther King Jr Day, Respectful, Responsible, and Safe Students College Prep Lesson Wednesday, January 10, 2018 Respect Responsibility Safety
Monday, January 15, 2018 Martin Luther King Jr Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day (officially Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.) is an American federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King's birthday, January 15. watch?v=hkNk6T2dRvQ
I Have A Dream Wy4CMhE "I Have a Dream" is a public speech delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States and called for civil and economic rights. Delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., the speech was a defining moment of the civil rights movement. Wy4CMhE
Respectful Responsible Safe Spartan Scholars Are… Respectful Responsible Safe
BE RESPECTFUL: Respect yourself, the school staff, your classmates, and property at Lathrop at all times Use appropriate language, tone and voice level Raise your hand and wait to be called on Pay attention to classroom activities Listen to the teacher and other speakers Ask before you borrow something
BE RESPONSIBLE: Respect the learning time by being on time, every period, every day Be on time and prepared with a charged Chromebook Follow directions the first time they are given Follow classroom procedures Exit only when the teacher dismisses you Do your own work Turn in quality work on time
BE SAFE: Follow directions the first time they are given and cooperate with all staff members Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself Enter and exit classrooms and school in a safe manner Follow teachers and all adult instructions Wear your uniform to school, in school and on the way home Know emergency procedures Travel in the right direction when using the stairs (down in center, up on the sides) School Rules
Let’s all resolve to make 2018 a positive and productive year 2018 New Semester, New Year! Let’s all resolve to make 2018 a positive and productive year Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe GO SPARTANS!