Objective: Conclusion Material and Methods RESULTS Current preferences in primary hypospadias repair: Results of a web-based survey from the Pediatric Section from the European Association of Urology (EAU) Young Academic Urologists (YAU) A-F Spinoit, Mesrur Selcuk Silay2, Anna Radford3, Piet Hoebeke 1 ,Bernhard Haid 4 1 Department of Urology, University of Ghent, Belgium 2 Department of Urology, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Istanbul, Turkey 3 Department of Pediatric Urology, Leeds Children’s hospital, Leeds, UK 4 Department of Pediatric Urology, Sisters of the Charity Hospital, Linz, Austria S35-480 Young Academic Urologists Objective: To explore preferences in the management of hypospadias around the world through a web-based survey. Material and Methods Web-based survey (Survey Monkey), conducted between July and September 2015 Specific 19-item questionnaire sent through EAU mailing list and posted on YPUClub FBPage) RESULTS A total of 178 (8.5%) participants completed the survey. Four respondents skipped more than one question and were therefore excluded. The responses of 174 (8.3%) participants were further analyzed. 2090 (100%) people were reached, - by EAU mailing invitation (n=840 (40.1%)) - by the YPUclub FBPage (n=1250 (59.8%)), Conclusion This is the first study evaluating the worldwide preferences in hypospadias management and follow-up. Wide variations between the surgeons in the post-operative practices were observed. These differences might translate into differences in quality of care in functional, esthetic and psycho-sexual outcome of the operated hypospadias.