Week 10: The Throne of God (Revelation 4)
The question to ask: Not “when?” but “why?”
After this… Jesus beckons to come to the throne room Make the main thing the main thing The word ‘throne’ occurs 17 times in this vision (chapters 4-5) The ultimate “why”
The throne: the sovereignty of God Romans 8:28 (NLT) And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. Even when things look out of control, God is always on the throne!
Encircled the Throne On The Throne
Encircled the throne Rainbow: God’s covenant mercy and promises His faithfulness Follows the storm
Surrounding the Throne Encircled the Throne On The Throne
Surrounding the throne 24 thrones with 24 Elders: 24 - representative number in Scripture 24 formed by doubling the number 12. 12 is the number of the people of God Rev 21:12-14 on the gates are written the 12 tribes of Israel, on the walls are the 12 apostles of the Lamb
In the Center, Around the Throne Surrounding the Throne Encircled the Throne On The Throne From the Throne Before the Throne
In the center, around the throne 4 living creatures: (Ezekiel 1 & 10) Covered with eyes 4-fold in nature: Lion = strength Ox = service Man = intelligence Eagle = swiftness
In the center, around the throne 4 living creatures: (Ezekiel 1 & 10) “Holy, Holy, Holy” (Isaiah 6) only attribute of God repeated 3 times like that He is altogether without sin God rejects sin. He must destroy it
Revelation is a worship service! In the Center, Around the Throne Surrounding the Throne Encircled the Throne On The Throne From the Throne Toward the Throne Revelation is a worship service! Before the Throne
Revelation is a worship service! Voluntary surrender