for Mrs. Mitchell’s classroom! Here is the list of supplies that will be helpful to get our school year started off right! The supplies will be shared among all of the students, so there is no need to write your child’s name on anything except the backpack, and pencil box. If you are financially unable to purchase items on this list, supplies will still be available for your child. On the first day of school, please send all supplies in their book bag. 1.Yellow, #2 (4 boxes of 12) *Ticonderoga brand is preferred 2. 4 boxes of Crayons (24 count only) 3. Glue Sticks (8) 4. Disinfectant Wipes or baby wipes 5. School box: plastic, small 6. Scissors 7. Dry erase markers (4 or 6 count) 8. Index cards 9.High lighters (2) 10. Erasers 11. Plastic sandwich bags 12. Head phones ( Dollar Tree sells these!) ________________________________________________________ Optional Donations: Ziploc bags (snack, sandwich, and/or gallon sized) Box of ‘extra’ snacks (pretzels or crackers will do) Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (any brand will do) Baby wipes Pipe Cleaners Thank you in advance for supplying our classroom with these necessities!
Thank you for downloading my very FIRST product! Terms of use: This download is for your personal use in your classroom or your home. Please do not share files with others, but please share my store name with them! Find me on Instagram! You may not share this product. You may not alter the items and claim them as your own. You may not resell or share the items in this product with anyone. You may not use the contents of this product to create anything for commercial purposes or for commercial use products. Fonts by Kimberly Geswein Border by Glitter, Crayons, & Little Hands Thank you for your kindness and support! Jamie V. The First Things First