The Public Observatory of Aalen and the „Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen“ A Short Presentation for the 28th Convention of the Alpe-Adria Amateur Astronomers League 16th September 2018 by Manfred Bauer
Aalen, Baden Württemberg, Germany 67 000 Inhabitants The Public Observatory of Aalen and the Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen Where I come from: Aalen, Baden Württemberg, Germany 67 000 Inhabitants German license plates starting with AA are from Aalen or nearby. Founding member of the Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen (Astronomical Working Group Aalen) 2001 Honorary member of the Astronomical Society „Leo Brenner“ 2014 28th Convention Alpe-Adria Amateur Astronomers League, 16th September 2018, by Manfred Bauer
Coordinates: 10° 4´ 47´´ E 48° 50´ 5´´ N 467 m a.s.l. The Public Observatory of Aalen and the Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen Coordinates: 10° 4´ 47´´ E 48° 50´ 5´´ N 467 m a.s.l. Main instrument: Refractor Zeiss AS130/1950 made in 1941 for the German clock maker Junghans The telescope was returned to Zeiss after WW2. Later it was donated to Aalen‘s secondary school (Schubart-Gymnasium) and the city council agreed to built an observatory. In 1969 the building opened as a school observatory. It was operated by the teachers Mr. Wohlfahrt and Mr. Zeuner until the 1990s. Because of his age Mr. Zeuner was pleased to put his work in the hands of a group of amateur astronomers. Together with representatives of the school and the local adult education center (VHS) they founded the „Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen“ in 2001. 28th Convention Alpe-Adria Amateur Astronomers League, 16th September 2018, by Manfred Bauer
Ever since we offer various activities for enthusiasts and the public: The Public Observatory of Aalen and the Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen Ever since we offer various activities for enthusiasts and the public: Public tours through the night sky every Friday at 8 pm (9 pm May – August) and solar observation every Sunday 2 – 4 pm (unless it‘s cloudy or during holydays) Guided star tours for families several times a year Introduction to the night sky for groups like the Kindergarten, elementary school or for other groups (minimum 6 persons) on request Lectures about astronomical and related topics on Tuesdays about twice a month All free of charge for our visitors! 28th Convention Alpe-Adria Amateur Astronomers League, 16th September 2018, by Manfred Bauer
Pease visit us at or come and see us in Aalen The Public Observatory of Aalen and the Astronomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Aalen For more information: Pease visit us at or come and see us in Aalen 28th Convention Alpe-Adria Amateur Astronomers League, 16th September 2018, by Manfred Bauer