-China in the 20th Century-
I. Beginning of Modern China A. Sun Yixian overthrew the Qing dynasty in 1912 1. His attempt to unify China under the Kuomintang was unsuccessful and resulted in political chaos
B. The May 4th Movement 1. Students protest China’s exclusion from the Treaty of Versailles a. They wanted an end to imperialism in China
C. Jiang Jieshi took over the Kuomintang in 1925 1. His de-emphasis on socialism led to conflict with the Communist Party and its leader Mao Zedong
a. In 1927 nationalist forces killed communists in the streets of Shanghai in what became known as the Shanghai Massacre
D. A civil war erupted in China that would last until 1949
II. Chinese Civil War – Nationalists vs. Communists A. Peasants flocked to Mao and the Communists Party 1. Jiang Jiehsi’s government faced increasing corruption 2. Mao promised to divide land equally among peasant farmers
B. The Long March 1. 100,000 communists fled from Jiang’s nationalist forces a. They embarked on a 6,000-mile journey b. Only about a quarter of the people survived
III. Japanese Invasion A. Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 to obtain natural resources in order to build their colonial empire 1. They would use Manchuria as a base of operations for the total invasion of China
2. A puppet government was established in Nanjing a. The “Rape of Nanjing” is an example of Japanese atrocities committed against Chinese civilians
B. The invasion forced a temporary truce between the Nationalists and Communists 1. The civil war resumed after Japan’s defeat in WWII 2. Mao and his Communist forces were victorious
IV. Communist Triumph A. In October of 1949 Mao declared his victory and the creation of the People’s Republic of China 1. Jiang Jieshi retreated to Taiwan and set up a nationalist government known as the Republic of China
2. From 1950 to 1951 Mao’s government set about taking over control of Tibet 3. The Agrarian Reform Law was established in 1950 a. This began the first Five Year Plan
B. The Great Leap Forward – 1958 1. Called for Chinese citizens to live in communes
2. Goal was to surpass Great Britain’s industrial potential within twenty years 3. Proved to be a failure due to lack of incentives to work a. Communes were large, impersonal, and unpopular
C. The Cultural Revolution 1. Mao wanted to establish a society of peasants and workers in which everyone was equal 2. Used propaganda to influence the younger generations
3. Red Guards, militia units of students who were extremely loyal to Mao, were established around the country 4. Was an unsuccessful attempt to increase Mao’s popularity
V. Modern China A. “Ping Pong Diplomacy” 1. In 1971 China ended its isolationist policy and established formal relations with the United States and other Western nations
B. Deng Xiaoping came to power in 1976 following Mao’s death 1. Economic reform with four goals – “Four Modernizations”: a. Progress in agriculture b. Scientific and technological development c. National defense d. Industrial growth
2. Eliminated communes and leased land to individual farmers 3. Allowed operation of private businesses 4. Gap between rich and poor grew a. Standards of living varied b. Not all citizens were able to benefit from the capitalistic reforms
C. Tiananmen Square 1. In April of 1989 students began a protest demanding more democratic rights and freedoms 2. Martial law was declared and troops were sent to Beijing to break up the protest
D. Population control 1. The “One Child Policy” was announced a. The intention was to curb rapid population growth
E. China’s current leader, Xi Jinping, was recently declared president for life