Title III AMAO Improvement Plan SY


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Presentation transcript:

Title III AMAO Improvement Plan SY 2013 - 2014 Title III AMAO Improvement Plan Webinar Thursday, September 19, 2013 8:30 – 10:30am 12:30 – 2:30pm

AMAO Improvement Plan - FYI Newly developed tool to help districts complete improvement plans. The current draft incorporates feedback from a group of Title III directors. Not required for the 2013-2014 improvement plan. Your feedback will inform revisions for the next version. This will be a required tool in the next cycle. Districts are required to submit annual revisions based on 2013-14 AMAO report.

AMAO 101 Oregon Annual Measurable Achievement Objective (AMAO) Targets For more info… Districts must meet all three AMAOs each year in order to meet the Title III accountability requirements. AMAO 1 61% of EL students in Oregon move up by one level of English proficiency AMAO 2(a) at least 19% of all EL students in district reach proficiency and exit the program AMAO 2(b) at least 29% of EL students identified for five years or more reach proficiency and exit the program AMAO 3 EL subgroup has met the AMO Reading – 82% Math – 67%

AMAO Improvement Plan Context ODE determines the targets for each of the Annual Measureable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) Districts must meet all three AMAOs each year in order to meet the Title III accountability requirements. If a Title III district does not meet all AMAOs for two consecutive years, it is required to develop an improvement plan that addresses the factors that prevented it from achieving all AMAOs. Districts not rated for AMAO 3, are required to meet AMAO 1 and 2. The plan is to be implemented in the 13-14 school year. If the district fails to meet AMAOs for four consecutive years the state is required to have the district modify its curriculum, program, and method of instruction; or determine whether the district will continue to receive Title III funds related to the failure to meet the AMAOs, and require the district to replace educational personnel relevant to the district’s failure to meet the objectives. [Section 3122(b)(4)]. Please refer to the required criteria above in your improvement plan if your district is in four year status. Previously, districts independently submitted their own local improvement plans without the guidance of a template. The new ODE Office of Education Equity seeks to facilitate the improvement plan process by piloting a new AMAO Improvement Plan.

AMAO Improvement Plan – Getting Started

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 2

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 3 Even if the district met the 61% AMAO-1 improvement target, identify specific schools needing improvement. Analyze the Percent AMAO 1 to locate the percentages that have less than 61% of students making targeted improvement. Indicate below any schools falling below 61% students showing improvement. AMAO 2: Even if the district met the 19% AMAO-2(a) transition target, identify specific schools needing improvement. Analyze the Percent AMAO 2B column to locate the percentages that have less than 29% of students transitioning from ELD programs after 5 years of program services. AMAO 3: The percent meeting standard in OAKS reading and math are shown in the last set of AMAO columns (AMAO 3 Status). Indicate schools not meeting AMAO 3 (AMO). “Not Rated” indicates the entity met due to N<21 in 1 year or 42 in 2 years. Treat “Not Rated” as meeting AMAO-3.

AMAO Improvement Plan - Page 4 Title III Improvement Team Please list the names and contact information for the individuals who will serve on the Title III Improvement Team. Should you need additional room, please add rows to the chart. Members of the Title III Improvement Team should have experience in Title III requirements, use of funds, achievement data, English language acquisition, and the process of cultural adjustment. A Title III Improvement Team might include a District Superintendent, Title III Director/Coordinator, teachers, testing coordinator, family or parent liaison, counselor, Special Education representative, and budget or fiscal personnel. The Title III Improvement Team will provide the necessary expertise to address student needs to meet AMAOs for the 2013-14 school year. Name School/Institution Role Email Address Phone Number  

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 5

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 6

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 7

SMART Goal Example School AMAO 1 AMAO 1 Goal AMAO 2(a) AMAO 2(a) Goal AMAO 2(b) AMAO 2(b) % AMAO 3 AMAO 3% Fulanalandia MS No 45.5 Yes 20 30 42 AMAO 1 AMAO 1 Goal 61% of ELs increase proficiency levels Reduce the gap between the percentage of ELs in Fulanalandia MS that make progress and the goal set by ODE by 15.5% by September, 2014. AMAO 2(a) AMAO 2(a) Goal 19% reach proficiency (Increase) the percentage of Els in Fulanalandia MS who attain English proficiency by 3% by September, 2014. AMAO 2(b) AMAO 2(b) Goal 29% of students with >5 years in ELD reach proficiency For Els who have received 5 or more years of ELD service, (increase proficiency, reduce the gap) of ELs in Fulanalandia MS who attain English proficiency by _____ by September, 2014. AMAO 3 AMAO 3 Goal 82% Reading 67% Math (Reduce the achievement gap, improve AMO in reading, reach AMO in math) for ELs in Fulanalandia MS by _____% by September, 2014.

AMAO Improvement Plan – Page 8

AMAO Improvement Plan Recommendations Particulars The Improvement Plan team is a critical component to ensuring that this process culminate in meaningful growth. Avoiding silos – Ensure connection to district goals Connection to practice Making sure stakeholders are aware of improvement plan to make sure plans become reality. Please submit an electronic copy to Leslie Casebeer by: Oct. 18 for 2/3 year plans Oct. 31 for 4 year plans For technical assistance reach out to: Kim Miller Martha Martinez Rudyane Rivera Lindstrom Tim Blackburn Preferred submission in MS Word – using the ODE secure file transfer whenever possible.

Helpful Resources & Contacts for follow up… District EL Plan District Improvement Plan from 2011-2012 AMAO Webpage AMAO FAQ Annual Measureable Objectives District Secure Site Title III Improvement Plans For technical assistance reach out to: Kim Miller Martha Martinez Rudyane Rivera Lindstrom Tim Blackburn