Elements of Art & Design Line Shape Space Colour Value Texture Form
Shape and Value SHAPE = a defined area; shapes may be organic (e.g., teardrop, puddle) or geometric (e.g., square, rectangle, triangle) VALUE = areas of light and dark colour; areas of reflected light and shadow.
Shape and Value Materials: Cartridge paper (9”x12”) Pencils & rulers Paint brushes Water containers Palettes (styrofoam plate) Liquid tempera paint (variety of colour choices - red, blue, orange, purple, green, black – and white
Shape and Value Start with one LARGE SHAPE in the centre of the page Use a pencil and ruler to divide the shape into rectangular shapes Then divide the background into rectangular shapes
Shape and Value Choose ONE COLOUR (MONOCHROMATIC) Fill in all of the shapes in your design using one colour and its various tints by mixing with white TINT = COLOUR + WHITE
Shape and Value ONE COLOUR = MONOCHROMATIC Use black paint to go over the lines around each shape