Brahman Priests and teachers Highest caste in the social order Best educated of the castes Often serve as advisors to Indian leaders Must follow rules to stay pure- cannot plow or touch leather. Can cook- are prized as cooks since all castes can eat the food that they prepare.
Kshatriya Warriors, Rulers, Landowners 2nd caste in the social order Can include many different groups of people. All members of this group are united in owning land. Word means “power, government, dominion” Initially was the highest caste, however, in a power struggle with the priests, the Brahman came out first.
Vaishya Merchants, skilled workers 3rd caste in the social order Because of economic power as merchants, this class has significant power in India. Often run Indian corporations and value education Word means “to live” Many times were the driving force in social change
Shudra Farmers and artisans 4th and lowest caste in the social order All members are united in performing a service. Building houses, making furniture, creating art, gardening, cleaning, barbers, and dealing with cows are all occupations that can be found in this caste. Role is to support the other three classes.
Harijan Once called “Untouchables” Outside of the caste system Were considered too dirty to be touched by the other castes Name means “God’s children”. Prefer the name “Dalit” Includes musicians Include leather workers, street sweepers, and manual laborers Cannot participate in much of Hindu society