Developed by INSTAAR (Timothy Seastedt, Emily Krall, David Knochel) in collaboration with BVSD teachers Kim Greene and Dan Tomlin at Manhattan Middle School
Life cycles of plants Dalmatian Toadflax Spotted Knapweed Life cycles of insects Mencinus janthinus Larinus minutus Interaction between the life cycles of plants and insects
Advantages: Uses local examples Eliminates hard to manage development of caterpillar Eliminates coordination of Fast Plant growth with the caterpillar Replaces with easy to store and use plant/insect dissection
Highlights current CU science research Introduces the environmental threat of non-native invasive species Discusses the strategies of land management, including biological controls
Lesson 1.1 Introduction to topic Lesson 1.2 Dissection of dandelion Lesson 1.3 Review HW assignment Life cycle card game Lesson 1.4 Knapweed and toadflax dissections
Introduce students to the life cycles of plants and insects and how they interact Venn diagram Students discuss their findings in table groups Discuss the area where plant and insect cycles overlap
Introduce term invasive species to students What is an invasive species or weed? Discuss characteristics of an invasive weed: large seed bank, can survive with few resources, etc. Dissect dandelions Identify parts of the plant: root, stem, leaves, flower, seed Make scientific drawings, give opportunity to look at plant under microscope
Review invasion of the soil grabbers homework assignment Look at graph results on projector, discuss what the graph shows Life cycle cards Students put cards in order of insect and plant life cycles Discuss mistakes that students make and describe correct order
Dissect Knapweed seed heads Find Larinus minutus insects in the seed heads Identify different stages: Larvae, pupa, adult Dissect Dalmatian Toadflax stems Find Mencinus janthinus Identify different stages: Larvae, pupa, adult
Debrief dissections Reiterate how plants and insects coexist and need each other to survive. Also review life cycles of both. Discuss the potential negative impacts of biological controls and why these examples are scientifically sound Tested in a lab for 5 years before introduced, first introduced in a closed environment, host-specific to knapweed and toadflax Be sure students understand the environmental consequences of invasive species
Average Pre-test Score: 8.48 Average Post-test Score: Average Change: 2.33 Average percent increase in score: 16% Range: 11% to 23% Improvements… Insect life cycles Adaptions for other grades…
What did you learn? I learned that invasive plants are steadily rising in growth each year I learned that some insects live in plants. I learned about the insect and plant life cycle. I learned that beetles inside invasive plants are killing the plant and eating the inside.
Emily KrallOutreach Coordinator at INSTAAR Kim GreeneScience teacher at Manhattan Middle School Dan TomlinScience teacher at Manhattan Middle School